Agenda and minutes

Standards Committee Hearings Sub-Committee - Monday, 23rd May, 2011 9.30 am

Venue: Committee Room 3a - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions

Contact: Lloyd White  Head of Democratic Services

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

To consider any Declarations of Interest


It was noted that Councillor Khursheed had sat as a Member of the Assessment Sub-Committee which had given initial consideration to the complaint contained on the agenda for this meeting. This did not preclude him from sitting as a Member of the Hearing Sub-Committee giving consideration to the Monitoring Officer’s report at this meeting.


Confirmation that all items will be considered in private


It was confirmed that the Sub-Committee’s deliberations would be held in private.


Initial consideration of investigation report into complaint of alleged breach of Members' Code of Conduct


The Council's Assessment Sub-Committee had determined that the Monitoring Officer, pursuant to his powers contained in Regulation 14 of the Standards Committee [England] Regulations 2008, should conduct an investigation into a complaint made by Ms Gay Brown against Councillor Jonathan Bianco that he contravened paragraph 3[1] of Hillingdon's Code of Conduct for Members which he had undertaken in writing to observe.


The Hearings Sub-Committee therefore gave consideration to the report into the allegation produced by Mr Tim Revell, the independent investigator appointed by the Monitoring Officer and noted that the finding of the report was that there had been no failure on the part of Councillor Bianco to observe paragraph 3[1] of the Code. In accordance with Regulation 17 of the Regulations and Guidance issued by Standards for England the Sub-Committee were asked to consider the following options:

·        that it accepts the Monitoring Officer's finding of no failure [''a finding of acceptance''];

·        that the matter should be considered at a hearing of this Sub-Committee;

·        that the matter should be referred to the First Tier Tribunal for determination.


Members were pleased to note that the investigation undertaken by Mr Revell had been a thorough one. Mr Revell was present at the Sub-Committee meeting to present his report and to answer questions.




a)         the Monitoring Officer's finding of no failure be approved.


b)        the Monitoring Officer be authorised to notify the complainant and the Subject Member accordingly and to arrange for any necessary statutory notices to be published.