Agenda item

The Kings Arms Public House, 109 Coldharbour Lane, Hayes 10954/APP/2011/1997

Erection of part 2, part 3, part 4 storey building comprising basement parking, mixed use at ground level (430 square metres of non-food retail space and 4 residential units) and a further 17 residential units above ground level (21 residential dwellings total), as well as associated landscaping and refuse storage areas.


Recommendation :



Erection of part 2, part 3, part 4 storey building comprising basement

parking, mixed use at ground level (430 square metres of non-food retail space and 4 residential units) and a further 17 residential units above ground level (21 residential dwellings total), as well as associated landscaping and refuse storage areas


The application seeked full planning permission for the erection of a mixed use (residential/retail) part 2, part 3 and part 4 storey building with basement car park serving use both components. The residential element consisted of 21 flats (12 x 2 bedroom and 9 x 1 bedroom flats) and the commercial element comprises a 430sqm retail unit (A1) for non-food retail sales.


The site was situated on a corner site with 3 direct street frontages and this combined with the schemes height, rising to 4 storeys on the Coldharbour Lane frontage, would mean the scheme will make for a reasonably prominent appearance in the locality at the north end of the Hayes Town Centre.


There was no objection to the principle of a mixed use development in planning policy terms given the sites location within the designated Hayes Town Centre. The scheme avoided undue dominance, most notably to the more modest existing residential housing estates located to the west and north of the site by the use of familiar local vernacular brick finish, the adoption of softening curves on the main street frontages, a recessed 4th storey and the proposed construction of only a 2 storey block on the East Avenue/rear of East Way street frontage.


The density of the development accords with the recommendations of the London Plan. The scheme would not result in any significant detrimental impact on the amenity of nearby residential properties. The car parking provision and vehicle access arrangements for the retail and residential are considered acceptable. The internal floor areas to the additional units comply with the London Plan's minimum space standards and the private external amenity space areas meets the Council's minimum standards


The proposal would not provide any on site affordable housing units. A Financial Viability Appraisal for affordable housing was submitted any its financial analysis accepted. Subject to a S106 agreement, the proposal is recommended for approval.


The Head of Planning Services stated that the application was on a gateway site into Hayes, the Council’s urban design officer had been involved and was happy with the proposal. Condition 6 relating to allocated car parking and this could be expanded in more detail to be more specific.


Members asked for clarification on waste and officers explained that plans had been amended recently to provide the information that was requested. Officers commented that the waste storage area complied with standard requirements.


Members asked for clarification on vehicle access. Officers advised that they could ask for details on security measures to access the car park, and this be included in condition 15.


Members also asked a detailed condition be added with regard to the footway and that the development should not impede the footway.


Members agreed that a condition should be added to include that rubbish and junk be obscured from view on the balconies.


The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was unanimously agreed.


Resolved –


That the application be approved as per the agenda, the changes set out in the addendum and the additional comments on condition 15, condition 6 and condition to be included with regard to obscure balcony glazing.

Supporting documents: