Agenda item

505-509 ( including 89-91 Grange Road) Uxbridge Road, Hayes - 9912/APP/2009/1907

Redevelopment of site to provide 45 residential units with associated access, amenity space, landscaping and car parking


Recommendation : Approval subject to a Section 106 agreement.


Redevelopment of site to provide 45 residential units with associated access, amenity space, landscaping and car parking. (Amended plans)




Officer’s advised the meeting that condition 23 as amended on the addendum sheet needed to be further amended to include the word ‘internal’ before ‘storage’.


A member asked for clarification of how a reduction in the number of 2 way vehicle trips would be achieved.


Officers advised that the 2 way trip had been reduced due to the nature of the previous use of the site as a garage with access from Uxbridge Road.  The proposed use for residential would be used less during peak hours.   Officers advised that the inspector when considering the previous appeal had raised no concerns in relation to traffic congestion.


A member asked whether there could be a condition added to ensure that graffiti treatment was used where appropriate on the blocks closest to the footpaths outside of the site.


Officers suggested that this could be undertaken by amending condition 3 to include the use of anti graffiti materials where appropriate on external surfaces.  The amendment to condition 3 was agreed by the committee.


A member asked for clarification of the obscure glazed screens and whether it would be possible to have a mix of obscure and clear glazing screens in appropriate areas.


Officers advised that the obscure glazed screens were being proposed to ensure that these areas could not be viewed from outside of the site.


Members asked for an informative to be added that where appropriate that the use of a mixed obscure and clear glazing be used.  This additional informative was agreed by the members.


The recommendation with condition 3 amended and an additional informative added was moved and seconded.  On being put to the vote there were 4 in favour and 1 abstention to the recommendation was therefore agreed.


Resolved –


That delegated powers be given to the Director of Planning and Community Services to grant planning permission, subject to the following:


1.         That the Council enters into an agreement with the applicant under Section 106       of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) and/or Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980 and/or other appropriate legislation to secure the following:


(i)         The provision of affordable housing equivalent to 47.4% of the total number of habitable rooms comprised within the residential units on the site of which at least 71.9% are to be of social rented tenure.

(ii)        A financial contribution of £74,212 towards education facilities.

(iii)       A financial contribution of £19,639 towards primary health care facilities.

(iv)      A financial contribution of £2,084 towards library provision.

(v)       A financial contribution of £4,065 for project management and monitoring.

(vi)      A scheme for the provision of on site construction training or a financial contribution towards construction training at a rate of £2,500 for every £1m of construction cost.

(vii)     A 10 year Green Travel Plan for the site including the provision of a car club on the site, with the applicant/developer to pay full membership for users of the

car club for a minimum of 2 years following occupation of the development.

(viii)    Details and implementation of the proposed highway works to Grange Road including the provision of yellow box markings on the northbound side of Grange Road and closure of the existing vehicular accesses to the site.


2.         That the applicant meets the Council's reasonable costs in the preparation of the Section 106 agreement and any abortive work as a result of the agreement not being completed.


3.         That the officers be authorised to negotiate and agree detailed terms of the proposed agreement.


4.         That the application is reported back to the Planning Committee, if the Section 106 agreement is not completed within a period of 6 months from the date of Committee consideration.

5.         That if the application is approved, the conditions as set out in the officer’s report be attached with condition 3 and 23  being amended and an additional informative as follows:-


Amend condition 23 in the addendum to include 'internal space'.


Amend condition 3 to include the provision of anti graffiti paint on the external facade of the residential block located on the corner of Grange Road and Elmlea Drive.


Add informative that the applicant/developer adopts obscure glazing (up to 1m in height) for all balustrading proposed on the roof space amenity areas to ensure that residents privacy is maintained and external furnishings located on the roof terraces are screened from wider viewpoints.

Supporting documents: