Agenda item

Iver Lane, Cowley - Petition Requesting a Residents' Only Parking Scheme


Councillor Judith Cooper attended the meeting and spoke as a Ward Councillor. 


Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:


  • Residents advised that students often parked in Iver Lane, Bullrush Grove, Curran Close and Heritage Close for a couple of weeks at a time;
  • Students had been seen emptying their ashtrays and fast food litter out of their vehicles onto the street;
  • Residents found that, if they went out during the day, they were frequently unable to park when they returned.  It was noted that visitors to the residents in the road also often could not park in the road;
  • The introduction of ‘Stop & Shop’ parking in Cowley and residents’ parking in Ferndale Crescent had displaced drivers to park in Iver Lane;
  • Cars parking at the narrow part of Iver Lane posed a safety hazard as it made it difficult for two vehicles to pass (particularly when one of these vehicles was a bus) and made driving visibility difficult;
  • Some drivers parked over dropped kerbs and driveways making it difficult for pedestrians to cross the road and for some residents to get off their driveways;
  • Residents were concerned that the Council had not taken into account the increase in the number of students (and their vehicles) that would be housed in the new student accommodation being built by the University when planning permission was granted; and
  • Although there was a weight restriction on the bridge in Iver Lane, residents were concerned that these restrictions were not adhered to.


Councillor Keith Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points raised.  Yellow lines had been introduced outside the Malt Shovel and over the bridge to prohibit parking and had improved road safety.  It was agreed that double yellow lines could be implemented on the dangerous bend immediately.


With regard to the parking available on campus for students, residents were reassured that the Council had requested the maximum number of spaces possible during the planning application process.  Additional bus routes had been scheduled to the front and back of the campus.


Residents were advised that residents parking schemes were funded from the Parking Revenue Account.  It was agreed that informal consultation be undertaken with residents in Bullrush Grove, Curran Close and Heritage Close as well as Iver Lane within the next four weeks.  To enable this consultation to be undertaken this quickly without impacting significantly on the officers’ workload, Ward Councillors agreed to hand deliver the consultation to each household in these roads.  Residents were reminded of the importance of responding to the consultation once it had commenced.


Once the consultation had been completed, the Council was obligated to undertaken a formal consultation lasting 21 days.  Once this had been done, the parking management scheme would be progressed as quickly as possible. 


Residents were advised that each household’s first parking permit was free and that any subsequent permits required by the household would cost £40 each year.  Each household would also be given a book of 10 visitor permits each year with the possibility of purchasing additional books at £5 each.  It was also noted that there was a size restriction on the vehicles that were eligible for a parking permit.  It was possible for those residents with company cars to get a parking permit but additional criteria would need to be met. 


The information that overweight lorries were crossing the bridge in Iver Lane would be passed onto the enforcement team.


RESOLVED: That the Cabinet Member:

1.                  discussed with residents their concerns with parking in Iver Lane, Bullrush Grove, Curran Close and Heritage Close outside their homes; and

2.                  asked officers to add the request to the Council’s overall parking programme so that consultation could be progressed for a Parking Management Scheme at the earliest opportunity.




Following discussions with the Cabinet Member, and subject to residents still wanting a “Residents only” scheme in this area of Iver Lane, the Cabinet Member can decide if it should be added to the Council’s parking programme and progressed following completion of committed schemes already on the programme.




The petitioners have made a specific request for a Residents Parking Scheme but further options may emerge following discussions with the Cabinet Member.

Supporting documents: