Agenda item

Sheraton House, 2 Rockingham Road, Uxbridge 51647/APP/2010/424

Change of first and second floor use from Class A2 (offices) to Class C3 (residential) to include 2 one- bedroom and 4 two-bedroom self-contained flats with alterations to existing side to include new dormer window at second floor and window at first floor, 6 balconies to rear, access ramp to front and associated parking.


Recommendation : Approval



Change of first and second floor use from Class A2 (offices) to Class C3

(residential) to include 2 one- bedroom and 4 two-bedroom self-contained flats with alterations to existing side to include new dormer window at second floor and window at first floor, 6 balconies to rear, access ramp to front and associated parking.


The committee raised a number of concerns in relation to this application.  The area was in an Industrial Business Area and the Local Development Framework stated that Industrial Areas should be protected for future growth.  The existing light industrial would have an impact on the proposed residential units.  The amenity space provided met the requirements but was not felt to be a quality space.  There had been no pedestrian access provided on the site. 


Concerns were also raised in relation to the sustainability of the development as all bathrooms had no external windows.  The layout and location of the proposal being on a very busy road was not felt to be a suitable site for residential development.


In answer to an issue raised in relation to the operating hours of the adjoining industrial units officers advised that their operating hours was from 7 am to 7 pm Monday to Saturday.


It was moved and seconded that the application be refused on grounds that the proposal would impact on the adjoining Industrial uses and prejudice growth, the play area not being useable, safe or secure and the amenity space not of an unacceptable quality. On being put to the vote refusal was agreed.


Resolved – That the application be Refused for the following reasons:-


1. Poor quality of amenity space


The proposed development does not provide usable, attractively laid out and conveniently located amenity space in relation to the proposed flats it would serve, detrimental to the residential amenity of future occupiers (including children) and contrary to Policy BE23 of the Hillingdon Unitary Development Plan Saved Policies (September 2007) and guidance within the Council's Supplementary Planning Document on Residential Layouts.


2. Loss of employment land


The proposal would result in the unacceptable loss of employment land within the North Uxbridge Industrial and Business Area, which is also designated as a Strategic Industrial Location in the London Plan, contrary to Policy LE2 of the Hillingdon Unitary Development Plan Saved Policies September( 2007), Policy 3B.4 of the London Plan (February 2008) and recommendations within the Council's Employment Land Study (July 2009).


3. Principle of development


The application site lies within the North Uxbridge Industrial and Business Area (IBA), the introduction of a residential use in this location is inappropriate and would have a sterilising effect on the operation of current and future units within the North Uxbridge Industrial and Business Area and thereby introduce an unacceptable constraint for the redevelopment of nearby sites within the IBA.  Furthermore, the applicant has failed to demonstrate that there is no potential for the site to be utilised for uses which are appropriate within an IBA.  The proposal is therefore considered to be contrary to Policies LE2 and BE14 of the Hillingdon Unitary Development Plan Saved Policies (September 2007) and Policy 3B.4 of the London Plan.


4. Access to bins and amenity area


The proposed layout fails to provide convenient and safe access for future occupiers to the refuse store and amenity area, detrimental to residential amenity and pedestrian safety, and contrary to Policies BE19, BE23 and AM7(ii) of the Hillingdon Unitary Development Plan Saved Policies (September 2007), Policy 4B.1 and 4A.22 of the London Plan (Consolidated with Alterations since 2004) and guidance within the Council's Supplementary Planning Document on Residential Layouts.




You are advised that any resubmission of the planning application to overcome reasons for refusal should ensure that separate waste and recycling storage facilities are provided for the ground floor office use and the first and second floor residences.  In addition, the designs shown in any resubmission should demonstrate that convenient, separate and safe access for future occupiers should be provided from the dwellings to the street, the refuse store and amenity area.



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