Agenda item

Sainsbury's Store, York Road, Uxbridge 39439/APP/2010/1799

Application for a new planning permission to replace extant planning permission ref: 39439/APP/2004/ 2402 dated 05/09/2005: Erection of decked car park, single storey store extension and proposed unrestricted trading hours


Recommendation:  Delegated Powers subject to Deed of Variation of S106 Agreement dated 6 September 2005 (Planning Permission ref. 39439/APP/2004/2402)






Application for a new planning permission to replace extant planning permission ref: 39439/APP/2004/ 2402 dated 05/09/2005: Erection of decked car park, single storey store extension and proposed unrestricted trading hours


In introducing the report, officers advised that there was no difference between this current application and the scheme approved in 2005, except that the changes in the London Plan Policy requiring a saving of 20% renewable or low-carbon sources.


In answer to a query, officers explained that the car park would be at the Belmont Road level and the car park and extension would be no higher than that already approved.


The Chairman suggested that the additional condition 37 in the Addendum sheet should be amended to require a minimum of 2 charging points.


In response to concerns raised about the possible disturbance of headlights from cars to residents of Belmont road, officers advised that the proposed ramp would be positioned to face the Sainsbury’s building.


The Committee attached an additional informative for the applicant to consider screening on the car park site to ensure lights from car headlights did not infringe on the residents on Belmont Road from the upper level.


The recommendation with the changes to additional condition 37 in the Addendum sheet and additional informative was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed.




A)     That the application be determined by the Head of Planning, Trading Standards and Environmental Protection under delegated powers, subject to the completion of a deed of variation to the Section 106 Agreement dated 6 September 2005 accompanying planning permission ref. 39439/APP/2004/2402 to provide for the following obligations:


i)                    A financial contribution of £35,000 towards Town Centre/Public Realm improvements.

ii)                  A financial contribution of £14,000 towards CCTV equipment to improve pedestrian safety between the Town Centre and the Sainsbury's store.

iii)                A financial contribution of £4,000 towards the provision of refuse bins on the pedestrian routes between the Town Centre and the Sainsbury's store.

iv)               A financial contribution of £10,000 towards street planting along Belmont Road, immediately adjacent to the site.

v)                 A financial contribution equivalent to 5% of the total cash contributions towards project management/administration costs relating to the agreement.


B)    That the applicant meets the Council's reasonable costs in the preparation of the deed of variation to the Section 106 agreement and any abortive work as a result of the deed not being completed.


C)    That the officers be authorised to negotiate and agree detailed terms of the proposed deed of variation.


D)    That the application is reported back to the Planning Committee, if the Section 106 agreement is not completed within a period of 6 months from the date of Committee consideration.


E)     That if the application is approved, the conditions and informatives set out in the officer’s report be attached with the following additional informative and amendment to Condition 37 in the Addendum sheet:




‘You are advised that in discharging the details relating to condition 4 (means of enclosure) that the Council will expect that there be screening incorporated to prevent lights from car headlights at the upper level of the car park from being able to shine into the residential properties opposite the site across Belmont Road’.


Amended Condition 37


‘Before development commences, plans and details of a minimum of 2 electric charging points, serving the development and capable of charging multiple vehicles simultaneously shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority’.



‘To encourage sustainable travel and to comply with London  Plan Policy 4A.3’.


Supporting documents: