Agenda item

Former Reindeer PH, Maxwell Road, Northwood 18958/APP/2010/2210

Erection of a part two storey, part three storey, part four storey building comprising 1, one-bedroom flat, 4, two-bedroom flats and 6, three-bedroom flats, with associated car parking, secured cycle parking, bin store and alterations to vehicular access.




Erection of a part two storey, part three storey, part four storey building comprising 1, one-bedroom flat, 4, two-bedroom flats and 6, three bedroom flats, with associated car parking, secured cycle parking, bin store and alterations to vehicular access




Planning permission was sought for the erection of a part two, part 3, part 4 storey 'U' shaped block of 11 flats comprising 1 x 1 bedroom, 4 x 2 bedroom and 6 x 3 bedroom apartments. The proposal includes parking for 19 cars at basement and surface level, 11 secure cycle spaces and bin stores at basement (lower ground) level.


Two letters of objection had been received, objecting to the proposal on the grounds of lack of parking and increased traffic congestion. In addition, two petitions bearing 21 and 23 signatures have been received objecting on the grounds that the bulk, height and lack of child safe garden area made the scheme an unsuitable development. These two petitions had been withdrawn prior to the meeting. One letter of support has also been received.


In response to concerns from the Urban Design and Conservation Officer, amended plans had been submited modifying the design detailing of the gable feature on the front elevation, while the pitch of the roofs has been reduced to 46 degrees. Further consultations were carried out on the revised plans and one additional letter has been received, objecting on the grounds of increased traffic congestion and inadequate parking.


The principle of a residential development and the mix of units were considered acceptable in this edge of town centre location. The layout, siting and scale of the development was compatible with surrounding built form and would respect the established character of the area. The proposal would not detract from the amenities of adjoining residents and provides satisfactory accommodation for future occupiers. Parking provision accords with the Council's standards and the Council's Highway Engineer raised no objection to the proposed means of access.


The current scheme addressed the reasons for refusal of a previous scheme and a Unilateral Obligation had been signed, securing contributions towards the funding of additional school places, health care, construction training, libraries, public open space and management and monitoring. This application was therefore recommended for approval.


The Chairman confirmed with the Committee that as the petitions for this application had been withdrawn there was no right to address Committee on behalf of this application from residents or the applicant.


Members questions officers on the involvement of the applicants with officers which officers confirmed had been detailed. That the applicants had also involved residents, had a public consultation and amended plans to suit. Members were happy with the work that the applicants had carried out with residents and the changes they had made to the application.


Members discussed the parking provisions which satisfied the requirements for the application.


It was moved, seconded and was unanimously agreed that the application be approved.




  1. That the application be approved as set out in the officer’s report and addendum sheet;
  2. That in advance of, or at the time of implementation of the development, the Council enter into a legal agreement with the applicants under Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980 (as amended) or other appropriate legislation to deliver the off site highway works;
  3. That delegated powers be given to the Head of Planning, Trading Standards and Environmental Protection to grant planning permission, subject to the conditions outlined in the report.

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