Agenda item

276 Bath Road, Sipson - 35293/APP/2009/595

Demolition of all existing buildings and erection of an eight storey building

compromising a 623 bedroom hotel (with ancillary restaurant/bar facilities)

incorporating associated landscaping, parking for 367 cars (22 disabled

spaces), 4 coaches and 20 cycles


Recommendation : Delegate approval subject to a S106 agreement to Director of Planning & Community Services subject to referral to Mayor for London and Secretary of State


Demolition of all existing buildings and erection of an eight storey building comprising a 632 bedroom Hotel (with ancillary restaurant/bar facilities) incorporating associated landscaping, parking for 367 cars (22 disabled spaces). 4 coaches and 20 cycles.


The Chairman asked for a condition to be added on the provision of electric charging points.  The addendum sheet also stated that conditions 30 & 31 were to be replaced it was suggested that these should remain and additional conditions added on sound insulation and air conditioning.  These amendments were agreed by the committee.


In answer to a question raised on the possibility of the car park being used for airport parking officers advised that condition 38 dealt with this issue.  It was asked that condition 38 be amended to include the provision of CCTV for the car park.


A member raised concerns about the visual impact this proposal would have on the Green Belt and the Air Quality.  In relation to the air quality an assumption had been made that there would be a drop in air quality levels but evidence showed that levels would be exceeded.  If levels set by the European Union are exceeded what sanctions would be taken.


The mandatory elements of the European directives identify various maximum levels and targets. Those targets are subject to an extended deadline beyond the date of this determination. The Legal Advisor suggested it would be preferable for the committee to proceed on the basis of planning policy considerations relating to air quality rather than on the basis that the UK was not currently in compliance with European law."


A member stated that if the air quality levels are damaging the health of our residents we are their representatives and it is our responsibility to ensure that we take these issues in to consideration.


Officers reported that it would be appropriate to consider the bulk and mass of the building but in relation to the air quality it was felt to be unreasonable to refuse on this ground.  In relation to the Green Belt although this is a material consideration the proposed building is located to the front of the site to lessen the impact on the Green Belt.  This is a large building but it is considered to be a sufficient distance away from the Green Belt. 


In answer to an issue in relation to the height of the building members were informed that there were none higher than 8 storeys in the surrounding area.


It was suggested that the application should be refused on grounds of bulk, height and massing and reference made to the impact on the street scene and openness of the surrounding area.


The recommendation for refusal on grounds of bulk, height and mass and impact on the street scene and the openness of the surrounding area was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed.


Resolved – That the application be Refused for the following reasons:-


The development by reason of its height, bulk and massing is considered to be an overdevelopment of the site and fails to harmonise with the existing streetscene and openness of the surrounding area. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policies BE13 and BE25 of the Hillingdon Unitary Development Plan Saved Policies September 2007 and Policy 4B.1 of the London Plan 2008.

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