Agenda and minutes

North Planning Committee - Tuesday, 23rd February, 2010 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Charles Francis 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies had been received from Councillors Anita MacDonald and Carol Melvin. Councillors Peter Curling and Judith Copper attended in their place.


Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting


There were no declarations of interest notified.



To sign and receive the minutes of 4 February 2010 pdf icon PDF 205 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 4 February 2010 were agreed

as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Matters that have been notified in advance or urgent


There had been no items notified as urgent.



To confirm that the items of business marked Part 1 will be considered in public and that the items marked Part 2 will be considered in private


Confirmation of items in Part 1 and Part 2 was agreed.



Former Mill Works, Bury Street, Ruislip - 6157/APP/2009/2069 pdf icon PDF 516 KB

Erection of 66 dwellings comprising of 2 three storey apartment blocks providing 30 apartments (1 x studio; 5 x one-bedroom; 21 x two-bedroom; and  3 x three-bedroom units) and 36 x three-bedroom houses with associated car parking, landscaping and access (involving the demolition of existing buildings.)


Recommendation: Delegated Approval subject to a section 106 Agreement



Former Mill Works, Bury Street, Ruislip


Erection of 66 dwellings comprising of 2 three storey apartment blocks providing 30 apartments (1 x studio; 5 x one-bedroom; 21 x two-bedroom; and 3 x three-bedroom units) and 36 x three-bedroom houses with associated car parking, landscaping and access (involving the demolition of

existing buildings).




The Chairman of the Ruislip Conservation Panel spoke in objection to the application and raised the following points:


  • The development would have a detrimental effect on the Ruislip Village Conservation Area and would be out of keeping with the two storey residential developments
  • The development, so close to listed buildings would be inappropriate
  • The hang-over roof work could be better improved
  • The reduction in the number of houses was welcomed, but the space between could be landscaped
  • Insufficient parking proposed for the development, particularly in an area already suffering from heavy traffic.


 In accordance with the Council’s constitution, a representative of the petitioners addressed the meeting and spoke in objection to the application.  The agent also spoke in support of the application.


Points raised by the petitioner:


·        Objected to the greater height and proximity of the development to his home

·        Concerned about the height of the development with no obscure windows right next to his single storey home

·        Concerned that the semi eaves, 3 storey high would dwarf his own building

·        Concerned that the planned parking spaces, with no spare spaces  would be inappropriate for the proposed 66 housing development 

·        Commented that Proper vehicular traffic generation was needed to be conducted

·        Suggested that yellow lines be introduced on one side of the roads at PinnWay and Bury Street to increase public safety.



Points raised by the agent:

  • Had had long discussions with officers and local residents to make best use of the scheme
  • Many changes had been made during the discussion process of the application
  • There had been one-to-one meetings with occupiers of properties abutting the site to get residents’ concerns, and this had resulted with just one objection from a resident immediately to the development
  • Consideration had been given to the impact of the development on the conservation area
  • With regard to parking positions, it was difficult to include the actual positions on the plan
  • Would accept the Committee including  a clause on the S106 agreement to provide for parking studies
  • Blocks 11 and 12 had been set back 1.5 metres and 9 metres in depeth
  • Proposed 26 metres boundary compared to existing boundary
  • The result of the application had been due to the successful negotiations with the Council’s officers.


Three Ward Councillors addressed the meeting in support of the petitioner and raised the following points:


  • The Council must continue to look at the issue of overdevelopment in the Conservation area
  • Conditions should be put in place to take account of the condition of the  fabric of the building, as it deteriorates overtime  
  • Having worked so hard, dismayed that the development would undermine the value of the Conservation area
  • Did no accept that the parking  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Former Mill Works, Bury Street, Ruislip - 6157/APP/2009/2070 pdf icon PDF 162 KB

Demolition of existing buildings (Application for Conservation Area Consent.)


Recommendation: Approval


Former Mill Works, Bury Street, Ruislip


 Demolition of existing buildings (Application for Conservation Area Consent.)




The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed subject to the conditions and  informatives in the officer’s report.


Resolved - That the application be Approved, subject to the conditions and informatives in the officer’s report.



Former Highgrove Day Nursery, Campbell Close, Ruislip - 48552/APP/2009/2334 pdf icon PDF 186 KB

1 four-bedroom detached house.


Recommendation: Approval


Former Highgrove Day Nursery, Campbell Close, Ruislip


1 four-bedroom detached house.




The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed subject to the conditions and informatives in the officer’s report.


Resolved - That the application be Approved, subject to the conditions and informatives in the officer’s report.



151 High Street, Ruislip - 11899/APP/2009/2540 pdf icon PDF 163 KB

Change of use from Class A1 (Shops) to Mixed Use Class A3 / A5 (Restaurant with takeaway facility), with associated flue at rear.


Recommendation: Approval



151 High Street, Ruislip


Change of use from Class A1 (Shops) to Mixed Use Class A3 / A5

(Restaurant with takeaway facility), with associated flue at rear.




Officers reported that a previous application on this site was refused in 2009. However, it later became apparent that permission granted in 2006 was still valid.


A Member raised concerns about the detrimental effect the vibration of the duct system would have on occupiers of the residential flat above the property.


Officers advised that the Committee could attach an additional condition to control the level of noise.


The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed, subject to the conditions and informatives in the officer’s report, the additional condition in the addendum sheet and the following additional condition. That the wording for the additional condition to be endorsed in consultation with the Chairman and the Labour.


Resolved - That the application be approved, subject to conditions and informatives set out in the officer’s report and the following additional condition:


The development hereby approved shall not commence until a scheme for the control of vibration emanating from any proposed plant and equipment (air conditioning, refrigeration units, extract equipment etc) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved scheme shall then be fully implemented and thereafter shall be retained and maintained in good working order for so long as the building remains in use.




To safeguard the amenity of the occupants of surrounding properties in accordance with policy OE1 of the Hillingdon Unitary Development Plan Saved Policies (September 2007).





Enforcement Report




1.         That enforcement action as recommended in the

            officer’s report was agreed.


2.         That the decision and the reasons for it outlined in this report into the public domain, solely for the purpose of issuing the formal enforcement notice to the individual concerned.






Enforcement Report




1.         That enforcement action as recommended in the

            officer’s report was agreed.


2.         That the decision and the reasons for it outlined in this report into the public domain, solely for the purpose of issuing the formal enforcement notice to the individual concerned.





Enforcement Report




1.         That enforcement action as recommended in the

            officer’s report was agreed.


2.         That the decision and the reasons for it outlined in this report into the public domain, solely for the purpose of issuing the formal enforcement notice to the individual concerned.