Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions
Contact: Lloyd White, Head of Democratic Services
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||
The Mayor advised that it had been 70 years since the D-Day landings. Those present observed a one minute silence to honour those who had died. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Jagjit Singh. |
Election Results 2014 and Political Balance To note the results of the recent elections and the resulting political balance of the Council. Minutes: As a result of the Borough Council elections held on 22 May 2014, two political groups had been formed: the Hillingdon Conservative Group with Councillor Puddifoot as Group Leader and the Labour Group with Councillor Khursheed as Group Leader. It was moved by Councillor Puddifoot and seconded by Councillor Simmonds and:
RESOLVED: That the results of the recent elections and the resulting political balance of the Council be noted. |
Election of Mayor 2014/2015 To elect a Mayor of the London Borough of Hillingdon to hold office from 5 June 2014 until his or her successor becomes entitled to act as Mayor
i) The retiring Mayor, Councillor Kauffmann, to provide a summary of his year in office. ii) Nominations for Mayor invited by the retiring Mayor – election (if necessary). iii) Retiring Mayor declares the result.
Minutes: The Mayor thanked the Mayoress, his fellow Councillors, officers and the Borough's residents for the support they had given him throughout his memorable year as Mayor. He provided the Council with some brief highlights of his Mayoral year in which he was particularly proud to announce that he had raised over £88k for his Rainbow Charities appeal.
Nominations were invited for a Mayor to hold office for the 2014/15 municipal year. Councillor Dann was nominated by Councillor Denys and seconded by Councillor Haggar. There were no further nominations.
RESOLVED: That Councillor Catherine Dann be elected as Mayor for the 2014/2015 municipal year.
The Council adjourned for robing of the new Mayor at 7.55pm and reconvened at 8.15pm. |
Acceptance of Office by the Mayor i) The newly elected Mayor to make andsign the declaration of acceptance of office. ii) The Head of Democratic Services to declare the election of the Mayor to be complete.
Minutes: The newly elected Mayor signed the declaration of acceptance of office. |
Appointment of Deputy Mayor To receive the Mayor’s appointment in writing of a Councillor of the Borough to be Deputy Mayor for the coming year. Minutes: The Mayor informed the Council that she had appointed Councillor George Cooper as Deputy Mayor and that his Deputy Mayoress would be his wife, Councillor Judith Cooper.
RESOLVED: That the Deputy Mayor and the Deputy Mayoress for the year be noted. |
New Mayor's Announcements To receive announcements from the new Mayor Minutes: The new Mayor congratulated Councillors Denys and Haggar on their maiden speeches and thanked those present for electing her. She advised that Mrs Rita Kilroy would be her Mayoress for the year and that, on the odd occasion when the Mayoress was not available, Councillor David Yarrow would accompany her in his role as past Mayor. The Mayor stated that Reverend Chris Rankin from St Lawrence Church in Eastcote would act as the Mayor's Chaplain and that her nominated charity for the year would be Michael Sobell Hospice. |
Vote of Thanks to Outgoing Mayor i) Vote of thanks to the outgoing Mayor to be moved and seconded. ii) Presentation of Past Mayor’s and Past Mayoress’ badges.
Minutes: Councillor Puddifoot moved a vote of thanks to the retired Mayor, Councillor Kauffman and his Mayoress, Mrs Lynne Kauffman. This was seconded by Councillor Khursheed. Councillors Burrows, Higgins, Kelly and Lakhmana spoke in support.
The Mayor (Councillor Dann) presented a Past Mayor’s badge to Councillor Kauffman and Past Mayoress' badge to Mrs Lynne Kauffman.
RESOLVED: That the vote of thanks to the Outgoing Mayor, Councillor Kauffman, be agreed. |
Report of the Head of Democratic Services To consider the report of the Head of Democratic Services concerning: i) The Appointment of the Leader of the Council ii) The Appointment of the Cabinet iii) The Appointment of the Council Champions iv) The Programme of Meetings 2014/15 Minutes: The Head of Democratic Services advised that an electronic traffic light system was used in Council meetings to assist Members when speaking and that the amber light would come on when they had one minute left to speak. He advised that the Constitution stipulated that, when a Member spoke at Council, they must stand and address their remarks through the Mayor unless they had been given permission by the Mayor not to do so.
Nominations were invited for the position of Leader of the Council for the next four years. Councillor Simmonds moved and Councillor D. Mills seconded the nomination of Councillor Puddifoot. There were no further nominations and it was:
RESOLVED: That Councillor Puddifoot be appointed as Leader of the Council for the next four year period.
The appointment by the Leader of the Council of Councillor Simmonds as the Deputy Leader and the following Members as Cabinet members for 2014/2015 was noted:
It was moved by Councillor Puddifoot, seconded by Councillor Simmonds and:
RESOLVED: That the following Champions, as recommended by the Leader of the Council, be appointed and that a grant of £5,474.22 be paid to the Health, Wellbeing and Disabilities Champion to cover out of pocket expenses:
· Older Persons - the Leader of the Council · Corporate Parenting - Councillor Riley · Carers - Councillor J. Cooper · Heritage and Environment - Councillor Markham · Sports - Councillor R.Mills · Arts - Councillor Kelly · Health, Wellbeing and Disabilities - Mrs Mary O'Connor
It was moved by Councillor O'Brien and seconded by Councillor White, and:
RESOLVED: That the Annual Council Meeting 2015 be moved to 14 May 2015. |
Committee Allocations and Membership 2014/2015 To decide the number and size of Council committees and allocate Members to serve on those committees based on the political balance on the Council where required (to follow)
Minutes: It was moved by Councillor O'Brien, seconded by Councillor White and:
ReSOLVED: That the appointment of Committees, Sub-Committees and their memberships, as set out at Minute Annex A, be approved. |
Council Membership of Outside Organisations To consider appointments to outside organisations (to follow) Minutes: The Head of Democratic Services advised that, he had been notified of further changes to the list as circulated and that the final list would be published once the Whips had confirmed the final appointments.
It was moved by Councillor O'Brien, seconded by Councillor White and:
ReSOLVED: That the appointment of Council representatives on outside bodies be approved. |
Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committees Annual Report To receive the annual report. Minutes: The Council received a report of the work covered by the Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committees in 2013/14. It was moved by Councillor Lewis, seconded by Councillor Riley and:
RESOLVED: That the Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committees’ Annual Report 2013/2014 be endorsed. |
Statement by the Leader of the Council In accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, to receive, without comment, a statement by the Leader of the Council. Minutes: The Leader noted that the Mayor of London had stated that Hillingdon was a testament to what could be achieved with good financial management. Every effort would be made to ensure that the statements made in the recent Conservative manifesto would become policy during this term of office. He noted that, whatever the political makeup of Government following the General Election in May 2015, it was likely that funding to local authorities would continue to be reduced. As such, the Council would need to continue its drive towards the provision of a more efficient service.
The Council's priorities would remain as: · Our people · Our natural and built environment · Our heritage and civic pride · Sound financial management
Members were advised that a report would be considered by Cabinet at its meeting on 19 June 2014 recommending that £220k be added to the Ward Budget Initiative (£10k per Ward). The Leader believed that the Council understood its residents and that this additional funding would go some way to meeting the needs of residents locally.
The Leader advised that the Council would be embarking on an ambitious programme over the next few months. However, he believed that, as Michelangelo said, "The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark". |