Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Nikki O'Halloran 01895 250472
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence and to report the presence of any substitute Members Minutes: Apologies for absence had been received from Councillor Phoday Jarjussey. On behalf of the Committee, the Chairman wished him a speedy recovery. |
Exclusion of Press and Public To confirm that all items marked Part I will be considered in public and that any items marked Part II will be considered in private Minutes: RESOLVED: That all items of business be considered in public. |
Minutes of the previous meeting - 11 October 2017 Minutes: The Chairman thanked Councillor Edwards for chairing the meeting in his absence. It was suggested that BT be invited back to a future meeting to specifically talk about the plans the organisation had in place regarding the advancements in mobile technology.
RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 11 October 2017 be agreed as a correct record. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Hillingdon Clinical Commissioning Group (HCCG) Ms Caroline Morison, Chief Operating Officer at HCCG, advised that a lot of work had been undertaken since she had last updated the Committee. The Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWS) had been signed off by the Health and Wellbeing Board for pubic consultation. To ensure cohesion, the JHWS was being used to align all other related plans with five overarching delivery areas: 1. prevention of disease and ill-health through tackling risk factors, early detection, early intervention and proactive case management in primary care; 2. improving the management of long term conditions; 3. providing a better experience and choice for older people; 4. improving outcomes and opportunities for residents with mental ill health; and 5. ensuring the provision of safe, high quality, sustainable services, seven days a week.
A system wide outcomes framework was being developed to measure progress against these delivery areas. The findings from the consultation would be reported to the Hillingdon Health and Wellbeing Board at its meeting on 12 December 2017 along with the refined outcomes framework.
Members were advised that the Hillingdon Better Care Fund Plan 2017-2019 had been approved by NHS England (NHSE) with no conditions. The Plan set out how the local authority and HCCG would pool resources and the priorities. It was noted that the pooled fund for 2017/2018 totalled £36m and that this would rise to £54m in the following year. The plan focussed on a number of joint initiatives which supported the JHWS: · developing the Accountable Care Partnership (ACP); · developing a single point of access for older people; · an integrated approach to supporting carers; · getting hospital discharge right; · exploring the use of Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) flexibilities; · joint market management and development approach - the joint brokerage arrangements had been piloted and it was anticipated that it would be rolled out across the Borough over the next few months; · closer alignment between adult social care and Care Connection Teams (CCTs); and · development of specialist Dementia Resource Centre (DRC).
Ms Morison advised that HCCG was redesigning the Urgent and Emergency Care services into an integrated system. The current Urgent Care Centre (UCC) contract would end on 31 March 2018 which provided HCCG with the opportunity to commission a service to ensure that Hillingdon met the new NHSE 'Urgent Treatment Centre' (UTC) specification (to replace the UCC). This procurement process was underway and a strategy had been developed to address the challenges faced. Although there would not be a significant number of changes, key changes would include the ability to: · book 'urgent' appointments with the UTC via NHS 111, London Ambulance Service (LAS) and GPs (where clinically appropriate); · book direct appointments from the UTC into general practice; · access and use the Directory of Services to support effective onward signposting to alternative services; · provide a patient education function for long term behaviour change; and · provide IT interoperability with wider integrated urgent care ... view the full minutes text for item 35. |
Work Programme 2017/2018 Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the Committee's Work Programme. It was suggested that, in the 2018/2019 municipal year, consideration be given to a major review of mental health discharge.
At its meeting on 13 February 2018, the Committee would be undertaking its regular review of the Safer Hillingdon Partnership. It was suggested that the Fire Brigade be invited to attend and consideration would need to be given to the specific lines of questioning that Members would like to follow.
Councillor Edwards updated the Committee on the progress that had been made in relation to the Community Sentencing review and the London CRC's failure to engage with the Working Group. Recommendations had been drafted for this review and a report would still be submitted to Cabinet.
RESOLVED: That the Work Programme be agreed. |
Central & North West London NHS Foundation Trust - Presentation Additional documents: