Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Luke Taylor 01895 250 693
Link: Watch a LIVE or archived broadcast of this meeting here
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Chamdal, with Councillor Goddard substituting. |
Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
To sign and receive the minutes of the previous meeting PDF 143 KB Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes from the meeting held on 4 June 2019 be agreed as a correct record. |
Matters that have been notified in advance or urgent Minutes: None. |
To confirm that the items of business marked Part I will be considered in Public and that the items marked Part 2 will be considered in private Minutes: It was confirmed that agenda items 1 to 8 were marked Part I and would be considered in public, and agenda items 9 and 10 were marked Part II and would be considered in private. |
Central Lecture Building, Brunel University, Kingston Lane - 74764/APP/2019/1315 PDF 247 KB Upgrade of services, HAC roof beam repairs and the refurbishment of six ground floor WC’s (Application for Listed Building Consent).
Recommendation: Approval Minutes: Upgrade of services, HAC roof beam repairs and the refurbishment of six ground floor WC’s (Application for Listed Building Consent).
Officers introduced the application which sought internal works, repairs and refurbishments to a Grade II Listed Building, without any impact to the external environment of the building.
Members agreed that is was a straightforward application, and the officer’s recommendation was moved, seconded and unanimously agreed.
RESOLVED: That the application be approved. |
Joseph Lowe Building, Brunel University, Kingston Lane - 74715/APP/2019/1074 PDF 230 KB Installation of solar panels.
Recommendation: Approval Decision: RESOLVED: That the application be approved. Minutes: Installation of solar panels.
Officers introduced the application which sought the installation of solar panels, with no impact to the Green Belt or any Listed Building.
The officer’s recommendation was moved, seconded, and unanimously agreed upon being put to a vote.
RESOLVED: That the application be approved. |
S106 Quarterly Monitoring Report PDF 363 KB Decision: RESOLVED: That the S106 Quarterly Monitoring Report be noted. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the S106 Quarterly Monitoring Report be noted. |
Enforcement Report Decision: RESOLVED:
1. That the enforcement action as recommended in the officer’s report was agreed.
2. That the Committee resolved to release their decision and the reasons for it outlined in the report into the public domain, solely for the purposes of it issuing the formal breach of condition notice to the individual concerned.
This item is included in Part II as it contains information which a) is likely to reveal the identity of an individual, and b) contains information which reveals that the authority proposes to give, under an enactment, a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person. The authority believes that the public interest in withholding the Information outweighs the public interest in disclosing it (exempt information under paragraphs 1, 2 and 7 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1085 as amended). Minutes: RESOLVED:
1. That the enforcement action as recommended in the officer’s report was agreed.
2. That the Committee resolved to release their decision and the reasons for it outlined in the report into the public domain, solely for the purposes of it issuing the formal breach of condition notice to the individual concerned.
This item is included in Part II as it contains information which a) is likely to reveal the identity of an individual, and b) contains information which reveals that the authority proposes to give, under an enactment, a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person. The authority believes that the public interest in withholding the Information outweighs the public interest in disclosing it (exempt information under paragraphs 1, 2 and 7 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1085 as amended). |
Enforcement Report Decision: RESOLVED:
1. That the enforcement action as recommended in the officer’s report was agreed.
2. That the Committee resolved to release their decision and the reasons for it outlined in the report into the public domain, solely for the purposes of it issuing the formal breach of condition notice to the individual concerned.
This item is included in Part II as it contains information which a) is likely to reveal the identity of an individual, and b) contains information which reveals that the authority proposes to give, under an enactment, a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person. The authority believes that the public interest in withholding the Information outweighs the public interest in disclosing it (exempt information under paragraphs 1, 2 and 7 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1085 as amended). Minutes: RESOLVED:
1. That the enforcement action as recommended in the officer’s report was agreed.
2. That the Committee resolved to release their decision and the reasons for it outlined in the report into the public domain, solely for the purposes of it issuing the formal breach of condition notice to the individual concerned.
This item is included in Part II as it contains information which a) is likely to reveal the identity of an individual, and b) contains information which reveals that the authority proposes to give, under an enactment, a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person. The authority believes that the public interest in withholding the Information outweighs the public interest in disclosing it (exempt information under paragraphs 1, 2 and 7 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1085 as amended). |