Agenda and minutes

Central & South Planning Committee - Wednesday, 3rd September, 2014 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence had been received from Councillors Ian Edwards and Manjit Khatra with Councillors Ray Graham and John Morse acting as substitutes.


Councillor Jazz Dhillion did not attend the meeting.


Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting


Councillor John Hensley declared a non pecuniary interest in Item 8, as an academic advisor to Brunel University. He left the room and did not participate in the agenda Item.


Councillor John Morse declared a pecuniary interest in Item 8, as was employed by Brunel University. He left the room and did not participate in the agenda item.




To sign and receive the minutes of the previous meetings held on 12 August 2014 pdf icon PDF 153 KB


The minutes of 12 August 2014 were agreed as an accurate record.


Matters that have been notified in advance or urgent




To confirm that the items of business marked Part I will be considered in Public and that the items marked Part 2 will be considered in private


All items were considered in public, with the exception of Items 14 and 15 which were considered in private.


Land at Scout Hut Shakespeare Avenue, Hayes 16910/APP/2014/2274 pdf icon PDF 252 KB

Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission ref: 16910/APP/2012/2612, dated 04/02/2013, to amend the approved plans introducing changes to external materials, additional fenestration, dormer windows and roofspace accommodation within House Type 1; and changes to fenestration and external materials on the elevations of House Type 2 (Application for a Minor Material Amendment under S73).


Recommendation : Approval



Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission ref: 16910/APP/2012/2612, dated 04/02/2013, to amend the approved plans introducing changes to external materials, additional fenestration, dormer windows and roofspace accommodation within House Type 1; and changes to fenestration and external materials on the elevations of House Type 2 (Application for a Minor Material Amendment under S73).


Officer's introduced the report and provided a short summary of the application.


Officers highlighted that the proposed accommodation in the roof space would not result in privacy issues or overlooking through the use of dormer windows as obscure glazing would be used. Furthermore, Officers confirmed that the proposed changes to the external materials used for House Type 1 and House Type 2 would not have a detrimental impact on the appearance of the nine residential units or the visual amenity of neighbouring properties.


The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed.


Resolved -


That the application be approved subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the officer's report.



Land at Slip Road off Stockley Road, West DRayton 70144/APP/2014/2473 pdf icon PDF 238 KB

Installation of a 17.5m high monopole telecommunications mast supporting 3 no. antennas, the installation of a radio equipment cabinet and development works ancillary thereto.


Recommendation : Approval



Installation of a 17.5m high monopole telecommunications mast supporting 3 no. antennas, the installation of a radio equipment cabinet and development works ancillary thereto



Officer's introduced the report and provided a short summary of the application.


The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed.


Resolved -


That the application be approved subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the officer's report.




Brunel University, Kingston Lane, Uxbridge 532/ADV/2014/40 pdf icon PDF 189 KB

Installation of 4 x non-illuminated flag and banner poles.


Recommendation : Approval



Installation of 4 x non-illuminated flag and banner poles


In the absence of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, it was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote agreed, that Councillor Brian Stead be appointed as Chairman for Agenda Item 8 only.


Officer's introduced the report and provided a presentation.


The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed.


Resolved -


That the application be approved subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the officer's report.





1,2,3 School Approach, Fredora Avenue, Hayes 63421/APP/2014/1271 pdf icon PDF 249 KB

Single storey, detached self contained studio with associated parking and amenity space involving demolition of 3 existing garage units and alterations to vehicular crossover.


Recommendation : Approval



Single storey, detached self contained studio with associated parking and amenity space involving demolition of 3 existing garage units and alterations to vehicular crossover



Officer's introduced the report and provided a short summary of the application.


The Committee noted that the revised proposals had addressed the Inspectors previous concerns in relation to a number of issues, including: loss of privacy, inadequate living conditions and the impact on the character and appearance of the local area.  Officers now considered that the proposal offered an acceptable standard of living accommodation and would be in accordance with the London Plan 2011 and the advice contained in the Mayor's Housing Supplementary Planning Guidance.  


In the course of discussions, the Committee expressed concern about the height of the proposal and specifically requested Officers to add a condition to ensure the roof space could not be used as a habitable space. The following condition was agreed:


Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 55 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (or any others revoking and re-enacting this provision with or without modification), no additional internal floorspace shall be created in excess of that area expressly authorised by this permission.



To ensure that adequate external amenity space is provided to meet the needs of the occupiers of the residential premise in accordance with Policy BE23 of the Hillingdon Local Plan: Part Two Saved UDP Policies (November 2012) and the Hillingdon Design and Accessibility Statement - Residential Layouts SPD.


The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed.




That the application be approved as per the officer report and additional condition as set out above.






15 Kenmore Crescent, Hayes 25043/APP/2014/1999 pdf icon PDF 233 KB

Single storey detached outbuilding to rear for use as a store.


Recommendation : Approval


Single storey detached outbuilding to rear for use as a store.


Officer's introduced the report and provided a short summary of the application.


The Committee noted that to implement the permission, the applicant would need to  remove the existing unauthorised out building and replace it with a much smaller out building with a substantially smaller foot print of  30m squared.


Having reviewed the proposal, the Committee requested that condition 4 be amended as set out below:


the deletion of 'facing no.68 Hatch Lane' from condition 4.


On the basis of this amendment, the recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed.




That the application be approved subject to the amendment listed above.




57 Midhurst Gardens, Hillingdon 5455/APP/2014/1716 pdf icon PDF 240 KB

Conversion of two storey dwelling into 1 x 3-bed and 1 x 1-bed self contained dwelling houses with associated parking and amenity space.


Recommendation : Refusal


Conversion of two storey dwelling into 1 x 3-bed and 1 x 1-bed self contained dwelling houses with associated parking and amenity space


Officer's introduced the report and provided a short summary of the application.


The Committee expressed concern that while the proposal would not result in an unneighbourly form of development, the proposal failed to offer an adequate standard of residential amenity for future occupiers.


The Committee agreed that on this basis the application should be refused subject to the amendment of Refusal reason 1 as follows:


Amend refusal 1 as follows:


'The proposal would not provide a satisfactory standard or layout of internal floorspace or bedroom space for the occupiers of the one bedroom unit. The proposal would therefore give rise to a substandard form of living accommodation which would be detrimental to the living environment of future occupiers and would be contrary to Policies BE19 and H7 (iv) of the Hillingdon Local Plan: Part Two - Saved UDP Policies (November 2012), Policy 3.5 of the London Plan 2011,the advice contained within the Council's Supplementary planning Guidance HDAS: Residential Layouts, and the Mayors Housing Supplementary Planning Guidance.'


The recommendation for refusal was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed.




That the application be refused as set out in the officer report and subject to the amendment to Refusal reason 1 as set out above.





Toll House, Bulls Bridge Road, Hayes 67194/APP/2013/1266 pdf icon PDF 316 KB

Proposed refurbishment of Toll House and erection of 1 number unit, concrete mixing and lorry parking with ancillary offices and staff facilities, and landscaping with car parking for boaters.


Recommendation : Approval


Proposed refurbishment of Toll House and erection of 1 number unit, concrete mixing and lorry parking with ancillary offices and staff facilities, and landscaping with car parking for boaters.



Officer's introduced the report and provided a short summary of the application.


When discussing the Landscaping conditions, the Committee noted that the officer report had not stipulated the numbers of car parking and cycle spaces. The Committee also expressed concern that no mention had been made to prohibit storage on the site and requested officers to make the necessary amendment to the condition.


In relation to condition 16 and the Canal Side Working Risk Assessment and Method Statement, the Committee requested officers to make minor wording changes and with regards to Condition 18, for Officers to liaise with the Chairman and Labour Lead concerning the four aggregate storage areas.


The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed subject to the following changes:


Amend condition 12 to add the word 'public'


Amend condition 6 to include numbers of parking and cycle space (parts 2.a and 2.b) and to include physical barriers to prevent storage (part 2.c) - wording of 2.c to be agreed with Chairman and Labour Lead


Amend condition 16 to add the words ' (including safeguarding of pedestrian users of the footpath)' after 'canal 'footpath'


Amend condition 18 - revised wording which is more robust to be proposed in liaison with Legal. Final wording to be agreed with Chairman and Labour Lead




That the application be approved as per the officer report and amendments set out above, but with no decision to be issued until the Chairman and Labour lead had agreed the conditions.



46 Whitehall Road, Uxbridge 41384/APP/2014/2034 pdf icon PDF 288 KB

Change of use from use class C3 (Dwelling Houses) to house of multiple occupancy (Sui Generis).


Recommendation: Approval


Change of use from use class C3 (Dwelling Houses) to house of multiple occupancy (Sui Generis)



Officer's introduced the report and provided a short summary of the application.


The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed.




That the application be approved as per the officer recommendation.



Enforcement Report


1. That the enforcement action as recommended in the officer’s report was agreed.


2. That the Committee resolved to release their decision and the reasons for it outlined in this report into the public domain, solely for the purposes of issuing the formal breach of condition notice to the individual concerned.


This item is included in Part II as it contains information which a) is likely to reveal the identity of an individual and b) contains information which reveals that the authority proposes to give, under an enactment, a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person. The authority believes that the public interest in withholding the Information outweighs the public interest in disclosing it (exempt information under paragraphs 2 and 6(a) of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 as amended).



Enforcement Report


1. That the enforcement action as recommended in the officer’s report was agreed.


2. That the Committee resolved to release their decision and the reasons for it outlined in this report into the public domain, solely for the purposes of issuing the formal breach of condition notice to the individual concerned.


This item is included in Part II as it contains information which a) is likely to reveal the identity of an individual and b) contains information which reveals that the authority proposes to give, under an enactment, a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person. The authority believes that the public interest in withholding the Information outweighs the public interest in disclosing it (exempt information under paragraphs 2 and 6(a) of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 as amended).