Agenda and minutes

Executive Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 2nd June, 2009 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 3 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions

Contact: Khalid Ahmed 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence and to report the presence of any substitute Members


Councillor Edward Lavery.


Declarations of Interest in Matters coming before this meeting




To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 27 January 2009 pdf icon PDF 28 KB



Agreed as an accurate record.


To confirm that the items of business marked Part I will be considered in Public and that the items marked Part II will be considered in private


It was agreed that all items of business were considered in public.


To hear the call on of any decision made at Cabinet on 28 May 2009 or made by Cabinet Members, other Council Committees or a delegated officer and published within five working days of this meeting pdf icon PDF 71 KB

-    Members should bring their 28 May 2009 Cabinet agenda.

-    Members should consider any other decisions published in the five working days before the meeting.

-    The purpose of this meeting is to decide whether to refer back any decision to the decision-maker.



Members noted that at the informal meeting of this Committee which had met after the Cabinet meeting on 28 May 2009 there had been no requests from Members for further information on clarification on any Cabinet report.


Work programme and meeting dates in 2009/10 pdf icon PDF 52 KB

-    For information and review



Consideration was given to proposals to improve the effectiveness of this Committee’s performance and its work programme for 2009/10.


The proposal was for a formal Executive Scrutiny Committee meeting to take place at the rising of Cabinet meetings. At this meeting Members would review the decisions taken at the Cabinet meeting and give consideration to the potential for call-ins of items. On areas where further information or clarification was sought, officers would be asked to provide a response to the Committee queries by midday on the following Monday. These responses would be sent to Members of this Committee by email, and based on this information, Members would be asked to email or telephone Democratic Services on whether they were content with the information supplied or whether they recommended the calling –in of the particular item. The majority of the Committee Members would have to agree to the call-in request for it to proceed.


If an item was called in, another formal meeting of the Committee would take place on the Tuesday (or the Thursday at the latest) of the following week after Cabinet, where relevant officers and the relevant Cabinet Member, if appropriate, would be invited to discuss the called-in item.


The suggested changes would require a change to both the Council’s timetable of meetings and the Constitution in respect of the rules of procedure relating to Call-ins. 


Members were informed that the proposed changes if approved would come into effect pending full Council approval on 2 July and the first formal meeting of the Executive Scrutiny Committee would be on 16 July, at the rising of the Cabinet meeting.    


Resolved –


1.      That, subject to the approval of the Leader of the Council, Council be recommended to agree the amendments to the rules of procedure relating to Call-In as outlined above.

2.      That subject to Council’s approval of the changes to the rules of procedure relating to Call-in, the Council’s timetable of meetings be amended so that formal meetings of this Committee take place after Cabinet meetings.