Venue: Committee Room 4 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions
Contact: Natasha Dogra
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Tony Little. |
Declarations of Interest in matter coming before this meeting Minutes: Councillors Catherine Dann, Brian Crowe, Judith Cooper, Peter Curling, John Hensley, and Anita Macdonald declared a personal interest in all items on the agenda due to their roles as a School Governors. |
To confirm that all items marked Part 1 will be considered in public and all those marked in Part 2 will be considered in private Minutes: All items were Part 1 and were considered in public. |
To receive and agree the minutes of 10th June 2009 Minutes: The minutes were agreed and signed by the Chairman. |
Development of Inclusion in Hillingdon Schools To take evidence from the following witnesses: Ø Sue O’Brien – Schools Improvement Officer for Inclusion Ø Steve Foot – Head of Minet Junior School Ø Clive Neathy – Head Teacher of Rosedale college Ø Charlie Taylor – Head Teacher of The Willows School. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chairman welcomed all of the witnesses to the meeting, and asked Sue O’Brien (Schools Improvements Officer for Inclusion) to begin her presentation. The witness said:
The Chairman opened the floor to questions. Members asked the witness whether the needs of the children in these schools were being met. The witness said the whole strategy is based on meeting the needs of the children and accommodating their varying needs.
Members asked the witness what steps were being taken to ensure school attendance was being kept on a high level. The witness said that there is an attendance monitor at every school. The attitude of the child is monitored to uncover any underlying issues beneath their truancy. The attendance monitors work in coalition with the education welfare officers, and are able to enforce the law in order to tackle parents who support the act of truancy. Officers said that there is a very effective Education Welfare Service in Hillingdon, ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Update presented by School Improvement Advisor Jean Knapp. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chairman invited Jean Knapp (Education and Youth Learning officer) to begin the update on Mathematics performance in Hillingdon. Officers began by stating that the statistic on student performance in the field of mathematics seems to have remained constant in recent years. However, there is a need to look at the strengths and weaknesses of the system and what has been done to improve the performance in recent years. There is a need to improve the maths performance. Hillingdon supports the plans for addressing these issues of improvements in Hillingdon schools, which is due to begin next year.
Members asked officers how useful the POC recommendations had been during their review of maths performance in 2003. Officers said the recommendations had been helpful at the time and were taken into consideration when addressing issues of improvement. However, as performance is ever-changing it was very important for the recommendations to be up to date.
Members asked about staff knowledge of the subject. Officers said a large number of maths teachers in the borough lack subject knowledge. Teacher training programmes have been introduced in areas where teachers lack knowledge and expertise, and a minimum academic requirement in mathematics has been enforced on all those who wish to teach the subject. Teachers also take part in online self evaluation tests, and are encourage to broaden their use of Information and Communications Technology during their teaching sessions.
The Chairman thanked the officers for attending and offered them the opportunity to leave.
Agreed: The Chairman asked officers from the Education and Children’s Services directorate to elaborate on acronyms used in their reports. The Committee agreed that the first time an acronym is used in a report its full name should also be included. Officers agreed to practice this in future reports. |
Performance and Finance Reports 2008/09 To receive the reports and presentations from Sarah Harty - Head of Resources, Policy and Performance (Education Directorate). Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman welcomed Chris Spencer, Director of Education and Children’s Services to present the Performance & Finance and 2009/10 Budget reports. The Officer said:
The Chairman thanked the officer for attending the meeting. |
Work Programme 2009/10 To consider the Work Programme Minutes: The Committee agreed the Work Programme for 2009/10. |
Forward Plan 2009/10 To consider the latest version of the Forward Plan Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee agreed the Forward Plan.
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