Agenda and minutes

Education & Children's Services Policy Overview Committee - Wednesday, 7th July, 2010 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Gill Brice 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies had been received from Councillor Peter Curling.  Councillor Anita MacDonald was substituting


Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting.


There were no declarations of interest notified.


To confirm that all items marked Part 1 will be considered in Public and all Part 2 items will be considered in Private


It was confirmed that all items would be considered in public.


To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 9 June 2010


The minutes of the meeting held on 9 June were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.




Implementation of the Electronic Social Care Record System in Education and Children’s Services


Members asked that an answer be provided on whether it was possible to flag up on the Electronic Record System that there was a paper file for that case.  


Officers were to investigate and report back to the next meeting.


Planning Permission for Mobile Classrooms


Members asked that they be provided with the following information


  1. The dates approval was given for the mobile classrooms required in schools.
  2. The date installation of the mobile classrooms was to commence on site and the expected completion date.


Members were informed that it had been identified that 7 additional classrooms would be required for September.  As some schools were providing the additional classrooms within their current infrastructure not all 7 would require additional mobile classrooms.


A member asked whether there was the physical space identified for all children entering School in September.


Officers advised that as far as they were aware that was the case. There were late applications for school admissions being received on a weekly basis so the situation changed weekly.  The level of provision needed had been secured but this does not mean that there would not be additional pressures during the summer break. 


Members asked for assurance that there would be no additional schools to those already identified being asked to provide additional classes.


Officers advised that there had only been one school asked to take an additional class since the last meeting.  The School had agreed to provide the additional class but it would involve renovation to facilitate this.


Members asked for an update to the situation in relation to school admissions at the next meeting so that they can look at School Places as a matter of urgency.


An update was also requested for the September meeting to inform members of whether all mobile classrooms were in place on time and whether teaching staff had been appointed.


Officers advised that they did not have a contingency plan if classrooms were not ready however, it was expected that classrooms would be ready for use by the September Term.


Quarterly Child Audit Update


Members reported that a presentation was provided to this committee in 2006, where information was requested on – whether a Social Worker was allocated or not, what control procedures were in place.  This information was to be provided on a quarterly basis, which had still not been provided.


Officers agreed to provide members with the dates of meetings when the information would be provided.


Update on Reviews


Members were informed that the updates on previous reviews was in the process of being prepared.  It was suggested and agreed that 2 or 3 updates be provided at each meeting.  



Hillingdon Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (HSACRE) Draft Annual Report - Page 1 pdf icon PDF 142 KB


The Deputy Director introduced the report and commended it to the Committee.


A member referred to page 8 of the report, which stated that all but one school was offering Religious Education (RE) at Key Stage 4 and asked what efforts had been made for this to be included and if a school did not participate whether they had good reasons for this.


Officers advised that the school had their own particular ethos, however work had been undertaken by the Assisted Skills Teacher and the curriculum was being changed to include RE for next year.


A member asked what was being done to fill the vacancies in the membership of Group A.  The Committee was advised that representation on SACRE was regularly reviewed and names sought from groups where there were vacancies.   The Agreed Syllabus Conference had been convened with the members of the Standing Conference with a number of co-opted members appointed to the conference.


Members noted the report and thanked Duncan Struthers (Chairman of HSACRE) and SACRE for providing the Committee with the report.


Resolved – That the report be noted.




Forward Plan 2010/2011- Page 9 pdf icon PDF 32 KB


The committee received a report setting out the items in the Forward Plan in relation to Education and Children’s Services.


In answer to a question raised in relation to Primary School expansion, members were informed that a Cabinet Member decision was required to proceed to the next stage of consultations.  The first stage notified of the intention to expand and to enable comments on the request.  The second stage was a formal consultation prior to the proposal being put together for the arrangements for the admission process.


Resolved – That the report be noted.


Work Programme 2010/2011- Page 13 pdf icon PDF 78 KB


The committee received a report on the Work Programme for 2010/2011.


Resolved – That the Work Programme for 2010/2011 be agreed.


Draft Scoping Reports and Presentations on 14-19 Education and Training and Fostering - Recruitment and Retention of Foster Carers pdf icon PDF 268 KB

  • 14 - 19 Education and Training (Page17)
  • Fostering Recruitment & Retention of Foster Carers (Page 33)

Additional documents:


Members received an introduction to the scoping reports for the two review topics agreed at the last meeting on 14-19 Education and Training and Fostering Recruitment & Retention of Foster Carers.


Members were informed that there would be significant changes occurring in regard to GCSE and A Levels in 201, which would change the nature of the achievements being attained.  


Following discussion the Committee agreed that the first review that they would undertake would be the 14-19 Education and Training.  It was felt that this would be a more in depth review.  The review on Foster Carer would be narrowly focused and would be accomplished in a narrower timescale. 


A member suggested that the review should focus on two main themes. To ensure that robust information was given to out of borough students, providers and that an effective strategy for dealing with Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) and under achieving children was in place.


An updated Scoping Report to be submitted to the next meeting.


Resolved – That the Committee undertake the review of 14-19 Education and Training as their first major review.