Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Charles Francis 01895 256454
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence and to report the presence of any substitute Members Minutes: None |
Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting Minutes: Cllr Peter Kemp declared a non-pecuniary interest as a member of the Board of CNWL Cllr Mary O’Connor declared a non-pecuniary interest as the Chairman of Hillingdon MIND |
To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 11 September 2012 Minutes: The minutes of 11 September 2012 meeting were agreed as a correct record. |
To confirm that the items of business marked in Part I will be considered in Public and that the items marked Part II will be considered in Private Minutes: All items were considered in Part 1.
Adult Community Mental Health Services - Witness Session 2 Additional documents:
Minutes: Alan Coe, Mental Health Consultant introduced the report and explained that the second witness session aimed to address the following lines of enquiry: · Local strategies – translating policy into practice · Partnership working · Enhancing joint working
The witnesses in attendance were:
Both voluntary sector organisations provided presentations. This was followed by presentations from CNWL and the Housing Options Team. At the end of each topic a question and answer session was held. The following points were noted:
Rethink Rethink North West London Carer Support Service is an organisation which works to support families and friends of adults experiencing mental illness in the London Boroughs of Hillingdon and Ealing. Aiding thesupport and recovery of families and friends affected by mental illness is a key aim. Rethink works with carers in a variety of ways to enable them to cope better with their difficult situations.
The objectives of Rethink are: Objective 1: – To support recovery and social inclusion 1. To provide information, advice and support to carers of adults experiencing mental illness 2. To organise and facilitate carer support groups- Carer support groups help to reduce isolation and stress amongst Carers, improve social networks and provide access to information and support. 3. To organise and facilitate respite opportunities. –In the last 6 months Rethink have organised a number of respite outings for carers including: · a guided tour of the Palace of Westminster · pantomime visits · an organised tour of RAF Northolt 4. To develop participation and involvement of people using our service in the planning and delivery of activities. 5. To facilitate Carers Education and Training Programmes (CETP). 6. To ensure that our service is open to all and recognises diversity 7. To continue to work in partnership with other organisations and on new initiatives.
Objective 2: To combat the stigma and discrimination experienced by people affected by severe mental illness
Hillingdon Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board Annual Report 2011-12 Additional documents: Minutes: The Safeguarding Manager introduced the report which provided an overview of the safeguarding work which had been conducted in 2011-12. It was noted that there had been a number of key local developments and service changes which were:
Moving forward into the future, the Committee noted that the Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board would be concentrating on: · Improving its response to the growing problem of financial abuse · Increasing its quality control mechanisms · Testing its local practice against national concerns like the Winterbourne Events · Continuing to ensure that the Board was well placed to comply with the likely statutory requirements of the Care and Support Bill.
During the course of discussions, the Committee made the following comments to Cabinet:
The Committee notes the protection of adults at risk is a critical activity of the Council and a key partnership area of work with health services and the voluntary sector.
The Committee notes Hillingdon’s Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board has an independent chair, who also chairs the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board and while each Board is independent, this collaborative approach is to be commended.
The Committee notes the Authority has a highly skilled specialist service in place and the Committee expressed confidence in the safeguarding adult arrangements in Hillingdon. The Board is well placed to comply with the statutory requirements set out in the Care and Support Bill and is currently working on priorities that include demonstrating the positive outcomes of safeguarding intervention.
The Committee notes the enhanced quality control measures which are being adopted and the changes in both the scope and definition of safeguarding adult work that is being developed. The Committee welcomes the continued work which is being done to raise the awareness of adult safeguarding.
Resolved –
Work Programme - 2012/2013 Minutes: Reference was made to the work programme and timetable of meetings.
Resolved –
That the report be noted.
Additional documents: Minutes: No items were identified.
Resolved –
That the report be noted