Venue: Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 1UW
Contact: Charles Francis 01895 256454
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence and to report the presence of any substitute Members Minutes: Apologies Cllr June Nelson substitute Cllr Peter Curling.
Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting Minutes: Cllr Peter Kemp declared non-pecuniary interests as a member of the Board of CNWL and as a member of the Trustees of Hillingdon MIND
Cllr Mary O’Connor declared a non-pecuniary interest as Chairman of Hillingdon MIND. |
To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 11 December 2012 Minutes: Were agreed as an accurate record. |
To confirm that the items of business marked in Part I will be considered in Public and that the items marked Part II will be considered in Private Minutes: All items were considered in Public.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Deputy Director of Housing, Residents Services provided an overview of the following reports:
It was noted that the covering report provided an overview of the four key housing documents which were appended to it.
Officers explained that as soon as the drafts had been agreed by Cabinet, a full consultation exercise would be undertaken which would include online questionnaires and consultation meetings (as well as comments from the Committee) over a period of 8 weeks. At the end of this period, the outcome of the consultation would be reported back to Cabinet, along with the four documents (listed above) for formal approval.
During the course of discussions, the Committee raised a number of points.
The Committee enquired how flexible tenancies would operate and how these would free housing stock. Officers explained that this policy would enable registered providers to use housing stock to its best advantage and enable the tenancy to take account of changes in people’s lives within a reasonable timeframe. Flexible tenancies would also enable tenants to be matched to suitable properties more effectively. It was noted that no Local Authority had come to the end of a 5 year assessment period as it was a relatively new policy.
The Labour Group Members of the Committee explained that they disagreed with a number of policies contained within the four key housing documents. These included, the Council discharging its housing duty to the Private Rented Sector, the procurement of housing outside Hillingdon and the suggestion that 80% of market rents were affordable. Further comments received from Labour Members included their discomfort at the removal of lifetime tenancies, they suggested the fixed term tenancy, if adopted, should be extended from 5 years to 10 years and the suggestion that carers could be mentioned as an exemption from this policy.
In relation to discharging its duty to the Private Rented Sector (PRS), officers explained that the Council had a duty to ensure all properties were used to their best advantage. Officers acknowledged that the PRS had grown significantly in the last 5 years and discharging into the PRS would be attractive to a significant number of people as this would enable residents to live closer to their preferred location.
Officers confirmed that the Councils’ policy had always been local housing for local people but that in certain cases, some out of borough properties were sourced from Slough, Harrow and Ealing. In considering out of borough placements, officers confirmed that the vulnerability of the tenant and the affordability of the placement were key considerations before any decision was made.
The Committee were informed that Government had introduced the affordable rent model. Officers confirmed that 65% of market rent were generally affordable in Hillingdon and the Committee asked for this point to be highlighted in the final version of the report to Cabinet.
With respect to the removal of lifetime tenancies, the Committee heard that this policy was ... view the full minutes text for item 45. |
Budget Proposals report for: Social Services, Health and Housing Services 2013/14 Minutes: The Head of Finance, Social Care and Health introduced the report.
The report set out the draft revenue budget and capital programme of Social Services, Health and Housing (SS,H&H) for 2013/14, along with indicative projections for the medium term. Members were informed that the Council was looking to make significant savings of around £12.8m, on top of the £17.7m delivered in 2012/13. It was noted that the final funding settlement for 2013/14 had only just been announced, but not yet fully analysed and so the budget was drafted on the latest estimated position.
It was noted that since the last budget report, the Housing Service with the exception of Housing Benefits had been transferred to the Finance Directorate and the remaining housing services, except for housing support services, had been moved into Residents Services.
Members heard that officers were working with Primary Care Trust colleagues to establish and confirm the value of the contracts that would be novated and the staffing establishment that will be transferred from the PCT to the Authority.
In terms of future challenges, the following areas were noted:
The report recommended that discretionary charges for Social Care and Housing Services were not increased and remained at current levels. The exception being tenant rent which is proposed to increase by 3.1% in line with Government formula.
Points raised by Members were:
Major Reviews in 2012/13 - Draft Report - Review of Adult Community Mental Health Services Additional documents: Minutes:
The Deputy Director Social Care and Health introduced the draft report which had been prepared in consultation with CNWL.
The draft report was agreed subject to several minor typographical amendments and the inclusion of 2 new recommendations in relation to outreach work and staff education. The final wording of report to be agreed by the Chairman in consultation with the Labour Lead outside the meeting prior to submission to Cabinet.
The Committee requested that its recommendations be fed into the Mental Health Strategy currently being developed by officers and that officers provide an update report on the implementation of the Committee’s recommendations (subject to Cabinet approval) in one year’s time
Resolved –
Minutes: Reference was made to the work programme and timetable of meetings.
Resolved –
That the report be noted.