Agenda and minutes

Petition Hearing - Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation - Wednesday, 14th November, 2012 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 3 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions

Contact: Khalid Ahmed 

No. Item


To confirm that the business of the meeting will take place in public.


It was confirmed that the meeting would take place in public.


Hazelwood Drive, Northwood Hills - Petition Requesting the reinstatement and extension of double yellow lines on both sides of the road pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Additional documents:


Concerns, comments and suggestions raised by petitioners at the meeting included the following:

  • The junction of Hazelwood Drive and Pinner Road needed to be improved by re-instating and extending the waiting restrictions on both sides of the road
  • Hazelwood Drive was the only access road to an estate of about 200 mainly residential properties, located between Pinner Road and the Metropolitan underground railway line
  • Work by London Transport was taking place at Northwood Station with HGVs using the site with work schedule for 6 days a week
  • Reference was made to the problems caused by vehicles parking on the corner of Hazelwood Drive which was causing problems of visibility. The extension of the double yellow lines would eradicate this problem
  • There have been a number of near miss accidents at the junction because of the poor visibility
  • Emergency vehicles would have problems accessing the road   


Councillors John Morgan and Andrew Retter attended the meeting as Ward Councillors and spoke in support of the petitioners.


Councillor Keith Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points raised:

·        Vehicles parking on the bend of Hazelwood Drive did cause visibility problems and he agreed that extending the double yellow lines would solve this

·        Reference was made to the Police data which indicated that despite this road being a high volume road with a high volume of traffic, there had been no police reported personal injury accidents in the three year ended period

·        Any proposed extension of waiting restrictions would have to advertised and be subject to a consultation period.


RESOLVED – That the Cabinet Member:


  1. Met and discussed with petitioners their request for the extension of the ‘at any time’ waiting restrictions.


  1. Asked officers to add this request to the Council’s Road Safety Programme.     


Reasons for recommendation


Discussions with the petitioners allowed the Cabinet Member to fully understand the concerns and whether it was considered appropriate to add the request to the Council’s Road Safety Programme.


Alternative options considered


These were discussed with the petitioners.


Windsor Avenue and Burleigh Road, Hillingdon - Petition requesting double yellow lines pdf icon PDF 77 KB

Additional documents:


Concerns, comments and suggestions raised by petitioners at the meeting, included the following:

  • Parking takes place on the corner of the junction of Windsor Avenue and Burleigh Road which causes problems with visibility
  • The parking problem is more pronounced during school drop off and pick up times
  • Reference was made to parking which takes place at the entrances to the alley serving the terraced houses numbered 4-26 and a request was made for double yellow lines to allow residents to access their garages
  • Residents on occasions had been unable to get their cars out of garages because of the parking in front of the alley gates


Councillor Wayne Bridge attended the meeting as a Ward Councillor and made the following points:

  • He endorsed the views of the petitioners and referred to the problem on Burleigh Road which was caused by people using the shops in the parade and by parents taking and picking up their children from Oak Farm School
  • Reference was also made to problems at the junction of Windsor Avenue and Long Lane
  • Some concern was expressed regarding the amount of traffic and congestion Oak Farm School generated
  • Reference was made to the bus stop on the bend of the junction which was not in an ideal location


Councillor Keith Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and the Ward Councillor and made the following points:

  • It would make more sense to have double yellow lines on the bend and in front of the alley which would take away two parking spaces
  • Any proposal would be discussed with Ward Councillors before being advertised for residents to consider fully
  • In relation to the comments regarding the location of the bus stop, the petitioners were informed that Transport for London and London Buses made the decision on the location of bus stops.


RESOLVED – That the Cabinet Member:


1.         Met and discussed with petitioners their request for the installation of ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions on the junction of Windsor Avenue and Burleigh Road.


2.         Subject to the outcome of the discussions with petitioners, asked officers to add the request to the Council’s Road Safety Programme.


Reasons for recommendation


Discussions with the petitioners allowed the Cabinet Member to fully understand the concerns and whether it was considered appropriate to add the request to the Council’s Road Safety Programme.

Alternative options considered / risk management


These were discussed with the petitioners.







Long Lane, Ickenham - Petition Requesting a parking management scheme pdf icon PDF 77 KB

Additional documents:


Concerns, comments and suggestions raised by petitioners at the meeting included the following:

  • The area was located south of Swakeleys Road, Ickenham and was very close to Ickenham London Underground Station and Ickenham Village centre shops. This resulted in all day non-residential parking by commuters
  • There was also parking which took place along residents’ driveways which made it difficult for residents to access their drives
  • Reference was made to visibility problems on the road because of the parking
  • Ickenham Motors uses the road to park its vehicles which adds to the congestion
  • There was a safety issue because children parked their cars along the service road whilst dropping off and collecting their children from school
  • All residents in the road had been consulted on the petition and the request was not for limited waiting restrictions
  • A request was made for “white bar” markings to be introduced outside number 23 Long Lane to retain access for the resident


Councillor John Hensley, Ward Councillor, submitted written comments which fully endorsed the petitioners’ request for a parking management scheme in the area.


Councillor Keith Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and the Ward Councillor and responded to the points raised:

·        The parking management scheme in Ickenham had been a difficult scheme to implement because the scheme had been implemented in different phases

·        He fully supported the recommendations of the officers which were contained within the report

·        The petitioners were made aware that any proposed limited waiting restrictions introduced would unfortunately impact on local residents

·        The petitioners were asked to report all incidents of vehicles parking over resident’s driveways to officers  


Officers advised that an application from would be sent out to the resident of No. 23 Long Lane for the introduction of “white bar” markings outside their access.


RESOLVED – That the Cabinet Member:


1.      Met and discussed with petitioners their concerns regarding the parking in the service road fronting Nos. 21-57 Long Lane, Ickenham.


2.      Instructed officers to ad the request to the Council’s programme for parking schemes for future consultation on options to address all day non-residential parking and then to report back to local Ward Councillors and the Cabinet Member on the outcome.


Reasons for recommendation


The petition hearing provided a valuable opportunity to hear directly from the petitioners of their concerns and suggestions.

Alternative options considered / risk management


These were discussed in detail with the petitioners.   


Victoria Lane, Harlington - Petition requesting the relaxing of parking restrictions around William Byrd School pdf icon PDF 89 KB

Additional documents:


Concerns, comments and suggestions raised by petitioners at the meeting included the following:

  • The current parking restrictions in Victoria Lane and other nearby roads were causing problems for parents dropping off and picking up their children from William Byrd School
  • The parking restrictions had created an increased risk to pupil safety and had made the congestion in the local area worse
  • The parking situation would get worse as the school was to be expanded which would create more traffic and congestion
  • The request was that consideration be given to introducing relaxed parking where parking restrictions did not apply particularly between the hours of 2.30-3.30
  • The introduction of relaxed parking would also reduce the pressure on the nearby swimming pool car park


Councillors David Benson and June Nelson, attended the meeting as Ward Councillors and gave their perspectives on the situation.


Councillor Keith Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points raised:

·        The Heathrow Parking Management Scheme operated between Monday to Saturday from 9am to 5pm. The scheme had been extended to Hudson Road and Victoria Road in November 2009 to give priority to residents and their visitors for the available on-street parking.

·        Reference was made to residents of Hudson Road and Victoria Lane when consulted on a possible Parking Management Scheme, expressing their concerns with finding a parking place close to where the lived, which they associated with airport workers and William Byrd School

·        The Parking Management Scheme was brought about because of support from  residents so any proposals to relax these restrictions would probably not be supported by residents

·        As a way forward he would ask officers to work closely with William Byrd School to review the School’s travel plans to reduce the congestion around Victoria Lane


RESOLVED – That the Cabinet Member:


  1. Met and discussed with petitioners their concerns regarding parking on Victoria Lane.


  1. Instructed officers to urgently review the Travel Plans for William Byrd School, with a view to reducing the parking congestion on Victoria Lane.


Reasons for recommendation


The petition hearing provided a valuable opportunity to hear directly from the petitioners of their concerns and suggestions.

Alternative options considered / risk management


These were discussed in detail with petitioners.