Agenda and minutes

Petition Hearing - Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation - Wednesday, 18th June, 2014 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 4 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions

Contact: Danielle Watson  Democratic Services Officer 01895 277488

No. Item


Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting




To confirm that the business of the meeting will take place in public.


RESOLVED: That all items be considered in public.


To consider the report of the officers on the following petitions received.

Please note that individual petitions may overrun their time slots.  Although individual petitions may start later than advertised, they will not start any earlier than the advertised time.


Petition requesting the current footway parking proposals for Corwell Lane, Hillingdon are deferred and alternative plans developed pdf icon PDF 45 KB

Additional documents:


Concerns and suggestions from petitioners included the following:


·         There had been issues on Corwell Lane for the past 30 years.

·         The problems started when Merriman's Corner was made into a signalised junction from a roundabout.

·         Vehicles often travelled at a considerable speed.

·         Parking bays on the footway would increase the speed of vehicles travelling on Corwell Lane.

·         Cars had been damaged on Corwell Lane.

·         Vans and Lorries were using Corwell Lane as a cut through.

·         If lorry driver was unable to get through the road, they would knock on the doors of residents asking them to move their cars.

·         Not happy with the cosmetic look of the white lines that marked out the proposed footway parking.

·         Would like the road blocked from the Stockley Road end with retractable bollards.

·         Parents with buggies had little room on the footway if cars were allowed to park on it     


Councillor Keith Burrows, Cabinet Member for Planning, Transportation and Recycling listened to the issues and concerns raised by the petition organiser (on behalf of the petitioners) and responded to the points raised. Councillor Burrows explained that the petition would be taken into account in a forthcoming report which would incorporate all representations received during the statutory consultation period.  Any proposals would need to be supported by the majority of residents who would be affected by the proposals.


Resolved - That the Cabinet Member:


1.     Noted that a petition had already been heard asking for footway parking in Corwell Lane as a consequence of which a consultation subsequently took place.


2.     Met with the present petitioners and discussed with them their request to review the current proposals for the footway parking scheme for Corwell Lane, Hillingdon.


3.     Asked officers to include the petition request and the outcome of discussions with petitioners in the separate report that will include all the representations received from statutory consultation on the proposed footway parking scheme in Corwell Lane.


Reasons for recommendation


Following statutory consultation on footway parking proposals all comments received must be considered by the Council before a final decision is made. A report will subsequently be drafted detailing these comments which will include this petition with the outcome of discussions with the Cabinet Member at the petition evening. 


Alternative options considered / risk management


These were discussed with petitioners.