Agenda and minutes

Petition Hearing - Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation - Wednesday, 15th December, 2010 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 3a - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions

Contact: Natasha Dogra 

No. Item


To confirm that the business of the meeting will take place in public.


It was confirmed that all business of the meeting would take place in public.


To consider the report of the officers on the following petitions received.


Request to extend the Hillingdon Hospital parking restrictions to include Pield Heath Road pdf icon PDF 87 KB

Additional documents:


Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:

  • Pield Heath Road was a very narrow and busy road used by buses and emergency vehicles who had to pass through the road very slowly to avoid parked cars and on-coming traffic.
  • Hospital visitors were using the road to park their cars, not the hospital car park.
  • The parking was worse during the day.
  • Parking restrictions were needed to overcome the problem of congestion.


The Cabinet Member clarified that setting parking restrictions such as yellow lines would adversely affect the residents of Pield Heath Road.




The Cabinet Member;


  1. Discussed with petitioners their concerns with parking along Pield Heath Road.


  1. Asked officers to take the petition into consideration when preparing the report on comments received to the informal consultation on a possible extension to the Hillingdon Hospital Parking Management Scheme. 




Reasons for recommendation


The Council considers all comments received when consulting on a possible extension to a Parking Management Scheme. Following the Cabinet Member’s discussion with petitioners their comments can be included in this subsequent report to the Cabinet Member detailing all the responses received from the recent informal consultation on a possible scheme extension. 

Alternative options considered


There are no other options that can be considered in this case.




Resident only parking in Hawkesworth Close Northwood pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Additional documents:


Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:

  • Residents of Hawkesworth Close were unable to park outside their own dwellings due to parking of nearby school children and commuters.
  • Some residents had experienced unpleasant confrontations with those parking their cars in the close and leaving them there for long periods of time.
  • The Close would benefit from a controlled parking scheme.
  • Some residents were in need of disabled bays.


The Cabinet Member suggested that those needing disabled bays contacted officers and arrange these spaces separate to this petition. The Cabinet Member clarified to the public that any parking scheme decisions would be taken with full consultation of the residents of the Close.




The Cabinet Member


  1. Met and discussed with the petitioners their concerns with parking in Hawkesworth Close.


  1. Asked officers to add the request to the Council’s overall parking programme so consultation can be carried out on a residents parking scheme.

Reasons for recommendation

To give the Cabinet Member an opportunity to discuss with the petitioners the problems in their road and if appropriate consult residents on the possibility of introducing parking restrictions in Hawkesworth Close.

Alternative options considered

None at this stage, as the petitioners have requested a Residents Parking Scheme.  However, further options could arise from the discussion with petitioners.



Parking Control at the junction of Station Road and Cherry Orchard pdf icon PDF 67 KB

Additional documents:


Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:

  • A business at the junction of Station Road and Cherry Orchard were inconsiderately parking their delivery lorries at all time of the day and night along the junction.
  • The lorries had significantly damaged the curbsand pavements.
  • Recently there was an incident when an ambulance could not enter the road due to lorries parked on the junction.
  • Lorries were also parking in the 20-minute loading bay for long periods of time and did not seem to mind getting parking tickets.
  • Manual loading and unloading of the lorries was taking place nearly 24 hours a day 7 days a week.


A Ward Councillor was present and raised the following points:

·        The Ward Councillor visited the business and noticed the lorries being parked on the yellow lines for long lengths of time.

·        Boxes were being manually moved by staff to and from the lorry.

·        Local shopkeepers were unhappy with the constant movement by the business.

·        Families with pushchairs found it difficult to use the pavements and pass by the lorries.


The Cabinet Member recoginsed there were significant health and safety issues concerning the parking around the junction and decided that the matter should be dealt with as a matter of urgency.




The Cabinet Member;


  1. Met and discussed with petitioners their concerns with parking in Cherry Orchard and notes their request to extend the existing ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions and implement ‘At any time’ loading restrictions.


  1. Asked officers to add this request to the Council’s parking programme so detailed design and statutory consultation can be carried out at the earliest opportunity as resources permit.


  1. Officers should look into laying down yellow lines at the mouth of the junction as an experimental order. Officers should also look at the need for bollards around the junction to decrease inconsiderate parking of vehicles.



Reasons for recommendation

The petition was signed by the majority of households in Cherry Orchard requesting the introduction of ‘At any time’ loading restrictions and the extension of ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions to improve road safety.

Alternative options considered

To include the request as part of the subsequent review of the West Drayton/Yiewsley Parking Management Scheme.





Residential parking in the Hume Way Estate pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Additional documents:


Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:

  • As Hume Way was close to a school and leisure centre it dealt with the overspill of parking from each, which resulted in residents not being able to park outside their own houses.
  • There was a grass verge along Hume Way which could be converted into parking bays.


A Ward Councillor was present and raised the following points:

  • The free car park at the leisure centre was very popular which resulted in the overspill parking in Hume Way. A small charge for leisure centre parking might help tackle this.
  • The expansion of the nearby school meant more traffic and congestion around school pick up and drop off times.


The Cabinet Member assured petitioners that parking bays along the green verge would be considered.




The Cabinet Member


  1. Met and discussed with the petitioners their concerns with non-residential parking in their roads.


  1. Asked officers to place this request on the Council’s parking programme for subsequent investigation and consultation.


  1. Asked officers to consult Ward Councillors to determine if further roads in this area should be included in a consultation.


Reasons for recommendation

The petitioners have made a specific request for a Residents Permit Parking Scheme.  However, the initial consultation with residents will provide options for measures to control parking in their roads which will include a residents parking scheme.

Alternative options considered

None at this stage, as the petitioners have requested a Residents Parking Scheme. However, further options could arise from the discussion with petitioners.




Petitioners requesting a postponement of the decision regarding the implementation of traffic calming measures in Cheney Street pdf icon PDF 928 KB

Additional documents:


Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:

  • The changing of the speed limit in a nearby road would lead to traffic displacement and Barnhill, Francis Road and Chiltern Road would have to deal with the traffic.
  • The installation of a footpath would serve the area better and act as a safety measure for pedestrians.


A Ward Councillor was present and raised the following points:

  • It would be difficult to assess how the traffic calming measures would affect the area without putting the measures into place.
  • After the speed was changed on Cheney Street traffic volume could be measured in surrounding roads.
  • The speed change must come into action due to the lack of a footpath on Cheney Street, which could result in a fatality.


The Cabinet Member noted the points raised by the objected petitioners and supporting Ward Councillor and clarified that he had not yet made up his mind whether to introduce the speed change in Cheney Street. The Cabinet Member recognised his responsibility as the relevant Cabinet Member to ensure the health and safety of residents.




That the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transportation and Recycling;


  1. Met and discussed with petitioners their concerns with the proposals to create a 20mph zone in Cheney Street, Eastcote;


  1. Noted the outcome of the public consultation undertaken by the council, which in part prompted the petition;


  1. Considered instructing officers to undertake before and after traffic surveys should the scheme proceed, and to report back to the Cabinet Member;


  1. Subject to the outcome of (3) instructed officers to undertake further studies on possible measures to alleviate any traffic displacement to other roads; and


  1. Subject to his subsequent consideration of the outcome of (4), asked officers to seek to identify the necessary funding for measures that may be warranted



Reasons for recommendation

Residents in some of the roads which connect with Cheney Street have expressed their concerns at the effect that the 20mph scheme proposed for Cheney Street may have on road safety in their roads.

Alternative options considered

None as the petitioners have made a specific request to be heard by the Cabinet Member, and the petition evening will provide them an opportunity for this.