Venue: Committee Room 3 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions
Contact: Nikki Stubbs
Note | No. | Item |
7 pm |
Additional documents:
Minutes: Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:
Lead Petitioner
Other Resident
Councillors Eddie Lavery and Michael White attended the meeting and spoke as Ward Councillors.
Councillor Keith Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points raised. He stated that Various options had been considered and discussed over a long period of time and want to see a crossing installed as soon as possible at this point in Field End Road. The recommendation would enable officers to proceed in developing the preferred option, that being option 3.
Resolved -
That the Cabinet Member:
1. Noted the petition request.
2. Acknowledged the objections to the proposals for a zebra crossing.
3. Met with and listened to the petitioners’ request for a zebra crossing
4. Considered the responses to the informal consultation for the installation of a zebra crossing at Option 1 which was a location approximately 10 metres north-west of Ferncroft Avenue (Appendix C) and Option 2 which was a location approximately 40 metres north-west of the south-eastern arm of Woodland Avenue (Appendix D)
5. Asked officers to develop Option 3, which proposed to install a zebra crossing on Field End Road at the southern arm of Ferncroft Avenue, as shown on Appendix G, and report back to the Cabinet Member.
Reasons for Recommendation
To investigate in further detail the request of the petitioners and the objections put forward by local residents
Alternative Options Considered
Options will be discussed with the petitioners.
Relevant Ward:
7 pm |
Merryfields, Uxbridge - Petition Requesting Residents Parking Scheme Additional documents: Minutes: Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:
Councillor Keith Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points raised.
Resolved -
The Cabinet Member approved:
1. The installation of “At any time” waiting restrictions on the east side of Merryfields from its junction with The Greenway and the northern flank wall of No. 10 Merryfields
2. The Detailed design and statutory consultation for Merryfields to become part of the Uxbridge South Residents Permit Parking Scheme.
Reasons for Recommendation
The petition was signed by a majority of the households in Merryfields requesting the introduction of double yellow lines and residents parking.
Alternative Options Considered
Relevant Ward:
7.30 pm |
Myrtleside Close, Northwood - Petition Requesting Parking Restrictions for Non-Residents Additional documents: Minutes: Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:
Councillor Keith Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points raised.
Resolved -
The Cabinet Member
1. Met and discussed with petitioners the parking issues of concern and the options available to the council for improvement.
2. Asked Officers to carry out an informal consultation with all households in Myrtleside Close to establish the support for a Parking Management Scheme.
Reasons For Recommendation
The petitioners represent a small number of the total households in Myrtleside Close and although they have requested a Parking Management Scheme, it would be necessary to establish if there was overall support within the road for the installation of a scheme
Alternative Options Considered
Limited time waiting restrictions would prevent “All day” parking but also apply to residents during the hours of operation.
Relevant Ward:
8 pm |
Waltham Avenue, Hayes - Petition to Stop or Restrict Non-Residential Parking Additional documents: Minutes: Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:
· There has been an increase in non-resident parking in the eastern part of the Waltham Avenue, which does not allow residents to park close to their own homes. · The petition was to enable dialogue with the Council to seek help with the parking issues and the options available. · One resident had asked for their name to be removed from the petition. · Another resident present at the meeting raised concerns at the lack of information to those residents who had not signed the petition.
Councillor John Oswell attended the meeting and spoke as a Ward Councillor.
Councillor Keith Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points raised and stated that there were only 2 options that could be considered for this area. The first would be for residents to be consulted on a Parking Management Scheme but as this had been opposed previously it was not felt this was a viable option. The second option was for limited waiting restrictions for 1 hour per day, which would also mean that residents would not be able to park during the one hour restriction. In answer to a question on the installation of white lines in front of dropped kerbs the Cabinet Member advised that there was a cost to the resident and although this discourages parking it was not enforceable.
Resolved -
That no further action be taken.
Reasons For Recommendation
The petitioner’s have requested dialogue with the council to discuss measures that can either stop or restrict parking by non-residents in their road. The options available to the Council to control on-street parking were not considered appropriate by the residents.
Alternative Options Considered
The residents could consider the introduction of short term waiting restrictions which would prevent “All day” parking but stop them from parking during the operational period.
Relevant Ward:
8 pm |
Additional documents:
Minutes: Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:
Councillor Keith Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points raised.
Resolved -
That the Cabinet Member
1. Discussed with the petitioners their parking problems and options available to the council to address the concerns.
2. Subject to the Cabinet Member’s approval to the proposed Hillingdon Hill Parking Scheme, asked Officers to include this section of Vine Lane and Chetwynd Drive within the subsequent review and carry this out at the earliest opportunity
Reasons For Recommendation
To address the resident’s concerns with parking, these roads could be included in the Hillingdon Hill Parking Scheme review if the proposed scheme comes into operation. There may be other options available in the interim to address the resident’s concerns.
Alternative Options Considered
These will be discussed with the petitioners.
Relevant Ward:
Uxbridge North