Agenda and minutes

Licensing Sub-Committee A - Friday, 1st October, 2010 10.00 am

Venue: Committee Room 6 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions

Contact: Gill Brice 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies had been received from Councillor Josephine Barrett with Councillor Mike Bull substituting.


Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting


Councillor Peter Kemp declared a personal interest in Item 5 an application for temporary renewal of shop front Street trading License as the premises was in his ward and remained in the meeting whilst the item was discussed.


Councillor Lynne Allen declared a personal interest in Item 5 an application for temporary renewal of shop front Street trading License and Item 8 renewal of temporary pitch license as  the premises were in her Ward and remained in the meeting whilst the items were discussed.


To confirm that items marked Part 1 will be considered in Public and items marked Part 2 will be considered in Private


It was confirmed that all items on the agenda would be considered in public.


Matters that have been notified in advance or urgent


There had been no items notified as urgent.


Renewal of Temporary Shop Front Street Trading Licences pdf icon PDF 56 KB


Resolved - That Shop Front Licences be granted for the period of six months to the premises listed below:


Name of Premises



Hayes Food Centre

66-68 Coldharbour Lane, Hayes

Yiewsley Post Office & Convenience Store

72-74 High Street, Yiewsley

Hayes Town Superstore

6 Botwell Lane, Hayes


42-44 Coldharbour Lane, Hayes


108 High Street, Ruislip



New Application for Temporary Shop Front Street Trading Licences pdf icon PDF 55 KB


Resolved -That temporary shop front street trading licence be issued for a period of 6 months to the premises listed as follows:


Name of Premises



Kwality Foods

674 Uxbridge Road, Hayes




Application for Temporary Tables & Chairs Street Trading Licence pdf icon PDF 55 KB


Resolved - That Tables and Chairs Licences be granted for the period of six months to the premises listed below:


Name of Premises



Coffee Break


7 High Street, Uxbridge

The Three Tuns


24 High Street, Uxbrdge



Renewal of Temporary Pitch Licences pdf icon PDF 68 KB


Resolved - That the Temporary Pitch Licence be renewed for a period of 6 months be granted for the period of six months to the premises listed as follows:


Name of Premises



Porky’s Snack Bar


Springfield Road, Hayes

Flowers By Design


142-144 High Street, Ruislip




Application for Temporary Pitch Street Trading Licence pdf icon PDF 73 KB

Additional documents:


This was an application for a temporary pitch licence for the sale of hot food and snacks in Windsor Street, Uxbridge.


The applicant was present and gave the reasons for his application and the provided further information to the committee.  The Sub-Committee also noted the submissions made with regard to crime and disorder in the area and the  by the London Fire Brigade.


The Sub Committee was concerned that the presence of gas cylinders, flammable liquids and vehicular traffic posed a safety risk as had been documented by the London Fire Brigade.  The London Fire Brigade’s comments about parking restrictions and access for fire safety vehicles are also of concern when taking into account the confirmed location.


As a result, it was decided not to grant the application for a temporary pitch licence.  The Sub-Committee suggested that the applicant work closely with Street Trading to identify suitable alternative locations.


Resolved – That the issue of a temporary pitch street trading licence be Refused for ‘Appy Days’ Windsor Street, Uxbridge.


New Application for Premises Licence pdf icon PDF 93 KB

Additional documents:


This was an application for the grant of a Premises License to permit the sale of alcohol at the premises known as Champers Retail, 52 High Street, and Ruislip.


This application was heard on 1st October 2010.  The Sub-Committee was satisfied that timely Notice had been served on all parties and that all those entitled to attend and speak to the Sub-Committee had the opportunity to do so. 


Linda Etherington represented the London Borough of Hillingdon Licensing Service and provided the Sub-Committee with details of the application.  Mr Kilesh Patel, the Applicant, was represented by Mr Ranatunga.


Relevant representations were received from the Metropolitan Police Services and Mr & Mrs Briskman.  The representations received were taken into account when considering the application.  Sergeant Ian Meens of the Metropolitan Police Service attended the hearing and addressed Councillors on the application.


Linda Etherington introduced the report and confirmed that the application was for off sales only.


Mr Ranatunga addressed the Sub-Committee on behalf of the Applicant.  He confirmed that the Applicant has 2 similar premises in Westminster.  He advised that the premise which is the subject of the current application previously operated as a branch of “Threshers” until the company went into liquidation.  He confirmed that the Applicant intends to run an operation similar to “Threshers”, offering snacks and off licence sales to customers.  To this end, the layout of the premises will largely remain the same with the till located at the rear of the premises.  He confirmed that all persons making sales of alcohol would be personal licence holders.  He further confirmed that the CCTV system at the shop would link back to the head office so that operations could be monitored both at the shop and from the head office.


He confirmed that the Applicant had accepted all of the Metropolitan Police Services save for the first proposed amendment as contained in their correspondence of 3rd September 2010; such amendments to become conditions of the licence in the event that a licence was granted.  With regard to the first proposed amendment, Mr Ranatunga advised that he was of the opinion that the phrase was not sufficiently precise as to be enforceable and was therefore unsuitable to be included as a condition.  Mr Patel, in response to questions posed by Mr Ranatunga, confirmed that he intended that all transactions for sale of alcohol would be carried out by personal licence holders only.


In response to representations submitted by Mr & Mrs Briskman, Mr Ranatunga requested Councillors to take into account the fact that once patrons leave the premises, they are beyond the control of the premises licence holders.  He confirmed that the shop wishes to work with the community in order to ensure that the premise does not become a source of nuisance.


In response to questions from the Sub-Committee, Mr Ranatunga advised that the Applicant had been trading in Westminster since 1993 with no infringements.  He further confirmed that the CCTV system was linked to all stores and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.