Venue: Room A260 - Civic Centre
Contact: Lloyd White
Head of Democratic Services
No. |
Item |
1. |
Declarations of Interest
To note any declarations of
interest in the business before the sub-committee
There were no declarations of interest
2. |
Confirmation that items will be dealt with in private
It was confirmed that the business of the
meeting would be conducted in private.
3. |
Assessment of Complaint
The Sub-Committee met to consider an allegation made
Councillor Lynne Allen that Councillor Andrew Retter
had contravened one or more provisions of the Members' Code of
Conduct which he had undertaken in writing to observe.
The Sub-Committee noted that the complaint broke down
into five constituent parts and satisfied themselves that, if
proven, two of the five allegations against Councillor Retter would
constitute a breach of Paragraph 5, which
imposed an obligation on a Member not to conduct himself in a
manner which could reasonably be regarded as bringing his office or
authority into disrepute and Paragraph 6[a], which imposed an
obligation on a Member not to use or attempt to use his position as
a Member improperly to confer on or secure for himself or any other
person, an advantage or disadvantage.
RESOLVED: That the two allegations against Councillor
Retter be referred to Hillingdon's Monitoring Officer for him
to refer the matter to the
Chief Whip of the Conservative Group for action and also to arrange
for Councillor Retter to attend a suitable training course in
relation to the Code.
A full written summary of the decision is
available to the public.