Venue: Committee Room 6 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions
Contact: Charles Francis
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence and to report the presence of any substitute Members Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Jas Dhot, Councillor Kuldeep Lakhmana acted as substitute
Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting Minutes: None. |
To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 5 November 2014 Minutes: Were agreed as an accurate record. |
To confirm that the items of business marked in Part I will be considered in Public and that the items marked Part II will be considered in Private Minutes: All the items were considered in Part 1 |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Operational Finance Manager introduced the report.
The report set out the draft revenue budget and capital programme of Adult Social Care Group, Public Health , Housing General fund and Housing Revenue Account for 2015/16, along with indicative projections for the next five years. The Committee noted that the Council was looking to make significant savings of around £10,113k across the Council for 2015/16, of which the total savings in the draft budget for Adult Social Care were £3,190k and £200k for Housing.
With regards to future challenges for the Adult Social Group, it was noted that these stemmed from the following areas:
The following comments were made to Cabinet:
The Committee noted the budget proposals and welcomed the work of the Council in this challenging area. In particular, the Committee welcomed the ongoing work in relation to the preventative agenda so that informed decisions were taken to mitigate future risks. The Committee acknowledged the introduction of the Care Act 2014 introduced a significant number of changes to Adult Social Care funding arrangements and the introduction of the Better Care Fund had significant ramifications to the way in which the Council funded health and social care.
The Committee were concerned about the costs associated with Bed and Breakfast accommodation and the relationship between homelessness and the number of void properties. However, it also welcomed the steps being taken across Council Departments and in conjunction with partners to monitor the numbers of empty properties.
The Committee welcomed the ongoing work to develop the supported living programme to promote independence and avoid costly residential placements but also recognised the need to monitor the slippage of several start dates closely. In relation to the Right to Buy Scheme, the Committee were assured that a stringent process was in place to restrict churn in the market place.
The costs associated with transitional children were noted and in particular the estimate this could be managed down by 6% and not affect the quality of care by taking into account the experience in recent cohorts of children.
The Committee also noted the importance of early intervention and prevention and the redesign of services so that savings could be achieved without impacting on front line services.
Resolved -
Safeguarding Adults In Hillingdon - Annual Report 2013-14 Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Safeguarding and Performance introduced the report which provided an overview of the safeguarding work which had been conducted in 2013-14.
It was noted that there had been a number of key local developments and service changes which were: · The establishment of a vulnerable person’s panel · The creation of a Care Governance Board · The implementation of the Winterbourne View plan · Reorganisation of adult social care to ensure that adult safeguarding is embedded across the whole operational service. · Convened the serious case review subcommittee to conduct a review and complete a multi agency action plan. · An increase in the conversion rate of notifications to referrals indicating increased awareness of adult safeguarding · An increase of 21% in those accepting their protection arrangements
The SAPB priorities for development for 2014 onwards have been built around the eight Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) standards of: ·Outcomes ·Leadership ·Strategy ·Commissioning ·People’s Experiences of safeguarding ·Service delivery and effective practice ·Performance and resource management ·Local safeguarding Board
The Chairman thanked officers for a concise report. During the course of discussions, several issues were raised. These included the need for the Board to be more challenging of its Partners and the acknowledgement that the report could be improved in future by the incorporation of further SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely) objectives.
the Committee made the following comments to Cabinet:
The Committee welcomed the report which
demonstrated that the multi-agency system in place to safeguard
adults in Hillingdon was working well and a number of improvements
had been made.
The Committee welcomed the establishment of a vulnerable person’s panel and the creation of a Care Governance Board to oversee the quality of local provision and coordinate action to improve services. The Committee also noted the work that was underway within adult social care to ensure that safeguarding was embedded across the whole operational service.
The Committee raised concerns about hospital discharge at night. Officers confirmed that to improve matters, the Council was working in partnership in hospitals at an earlier stage so that appropriate discharge plans were in place
Given that the number of vulnerable adults in the Borough is increasing; the Committee welcomed the approach to develop Teams focussed around the family and a more holistic approach to safeguarding. The Committee acknowledged that the Board was reviewing the frequency of audits and inspections and how these should be monitored in the future. In addition, the Committee suggested that future reports could be improved by providing further details about closures and the actions arising from this classification.
The Committee welcomed the improvements which had been made since the last report and especially the continued work which is being done to raise the awareness of adult safeguarding with the public.
Resolved –
Major Reviews in 2014/15 - Draft Final Report Additional documents: Minutes: Officers introduced the draft final report and explained this summarised the findings of the witness sessions which had been held between July 2014 and November 2014.
The report and recommendations were agreed.
Resolved -
Major Reviews in 2014/15 - Second Review Topic - verbal report Minutes: The Consultant in Public Health provided a verbal report on the issues of obesity and NHS Dentistry in Hillingdon.
Noting these overview reports, the Committee agreed to examine Dentistry in the 0 to 5 age range, focusing on prevention, as their second review topic.
Resolved -
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the latest version of the Forward Plan.
Resolved –
Minutes: Reference was made to the work programme and timetable of meetings.