Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Charles Francis 01895 556454
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence and to report the presence of any substitute Members Minutes: Apologies for absence had been received from Councillor Jane Palmer. Councillor Ian Edwards was present as her substitute. |
Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting Minutes: None. |
To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 2 July 2015 Minutes: Were agreed as an accurate record, subject to the amendment that the Committee had requested a breakdown of Members Enquiries and their outcomes rather than complaints data.
To confirm that the items of business marked in Part I will be considered in Public and that the items marked Part II will be considered in Private Minutes: All items were considered in Public. |
Budget Planning Report for Social Services, Housing and Public Health Services 2016/17 Minutes:
Officers introduced a report on budget planning for Adult Social Care Services 2016/17. It was noted that this was one of two occasions for the Committee to discuss budget planning, with the second chance to comment in January 2016 following the announcement of the finance settlement in December 2015.
The Committee learnt that specific pressures and uncertainties included demographic pressure and ongoing welfare reforms. Officers explained that the Council was well placed to meet the challenges ahead given it had accumulated balances of £40.4m by the end of 2014/15.
In relation to Adult Social Care, Officers highlighted a number of key financial issues which included: The Independent Living Fund, Provider Sustainability, Demand Management as well as the Winterbourne Review and Supported Living.
With regards to Housing, it was noted that the Housing Revenue Account had a savings target of £2.448m in 2015/16 and these were on target to be achieved through a series of measures including improving the efficiency of reactive and planned maintenance.
In terms of Public Heath performance, Officers explained that this was on target to achieve its efficiency savings of £430K in 2015/16 arising from a mixture of budget realignment and procurement activity across a range of service areas.
The Committee thanked officers for their presentation.
Resolved -
Social Services, Housing and Public Health POC - Review 2015-16 Additional documents: Minutes: Members were presented with a draft scoping report on Raising Standards in Private Rented Sector Accommodation.
Officers advised Members that the private rented sector in Hillingdon had grown significantly in terms of both the number and proportion of households that lived in this tenure. Officers confirmed that the cost of accessing private sector housing in Hillingdon had also increased markedly and the make-up of the sector had changed.
Members requested that the first witness session include information about the current condition of the sector, including the types of enforcement action being undertaken by the Council.
The Committee also asked Officers to ensure that tenants were invited toattend a future meeting so that their views would be recorded during the review.
Discussing overcrowding, Officers explained that there would be an opportunity to examine a number of health related aspects related to this phenomenon during the review.
Resolved -
· That the Committee adopt the scoping report. · That the Committee hold three witness sessions. The first session would focus on the profile of the private rented sector and financial accessibility. The second session would focus on overcrowding and the impact on health. With the final session, examining the information, advice and guidance given to Private Rented Sector tenants.
Additional documents: Minutes: Officers provided an overview of the 'Licensing of Two Storey Houses in Multiple Occupation' report which had been considered at 23 July 2015 Cabinet.
Resolved -
That the report be noted.
Minutes: The Committee discussed the Work Programme.
Resolved -
That the Work Programme be noted. |