Agenda and draft minutes

Munro Report Working Group - Monday, 11th November, 2013 5.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 9 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions

Contact: Steven Maiden  01895 250692

No. Item


Preliminary consideration of the Munro Report pdf icon PDF 209 KB

Discussions to include confirmation of:

  • what key areas of the report will be considered throughout the review;
  • what witnesses are required to inform the review;
  • the timelines required for the review and audit; and
  • dates for future meetings


Members are asked to bring their diaries and their copies of the Munro Report to the meeting.


The Working Group discussed the practicalities of their review into the Munro Report Child Protection.



1.      A brief officer response to each of the recommendations in the Munro Report be produced highlighting:

a.      areas already fully implemented by the Council;

b.     areas where further work was required; and

c.      areas that have not been fully adopted by the Government.

2.      The review be made up of three witness sessions as follows:

a.      Internal session concerning the Council’s implementation of recommendations to include information on how other Local Authorities have implemented;

b.     Partner agencies session; and

c.      Local Safeguarding Children Board session.

3.      Based on the above, officers and the Chairman invite officers and colleagues to each session as appropriate.