Agenda and minutes

Petition Hearing - Cabinet Member for Property, Highways & Transport - Wednesday, 16th October, 2024 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Liz Penny  Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting


There were no declarations of interest.


To confirm that the business of the meeting will take place in public


It was confirmed that all items of business were in Part I and the meeting would be held in public.


To consider the report of the officers on the following petitions received:


North Way, Morris Avenue and Worrall Lane, Uxbridge - Petition Requesting a Reduction in the Speed Limit to 20 mph pdf icon PDF 368 KB

Additional documents:


The lead petitioner was in attendance and addressed the Cabinet Member highlighting the following points:


·         North Way was a short road with only 16 homes;

·         There were a number of elderly residents and families with young children living along the road;

·         The road was often used as a cut through by dog walkers, those going to the gym and children going to and from school;

·         A large number of delivery vehicles also used North Way;

·         Cars, vans and other larger vehicles often accelerated through the traffic lights which was dangerous and a matter of some concern;

·         There had been a number of incidents in the area in the past related to speeding drivers;

·         A 20 mph speed limit would significantly reduce the risk;

·         A traffic survey and traffic calming measures were requested – a 20 mph zone and speed bumps were possible options.


The Cabinet Member informed petitioners that he was well acquainted with North Way and the surrounding area. It was acknowledged that the area had changed significantly since the development at Morris Avenue.


The Cabinet Member advised that, with the exception of those outside schools during hours of operation, he was not in favour of 20 mph zones since they were not enforceable by the Council. It was acknowledged that speed tables were a useful tool but it was noted that they could also lead to an increase in noise and the emission of fumes; particularly when heavy vehicles passed over them. It was agreed that the first step would be to conduct traffic surveys to gather useful data which would then inform the decision-making process thereafter. The petitioners were invited to suggest the preferred location for the speed surveys to be conducted.


RESOLVED: That the Cabinet Member for Property, Highways and Transport:


1.    Met with petitioners and listened to their request to reduce the speed limit to 20 mph; and

2.    Asked officers to commission independent 24/7 speed and traffic surveys on North Way at a location agreed with the petitioners.


Minet Drive, Hayes - Petition Requesting Traffic Calming Measures pdf icon PDF 268 KB

Additional documents:


The lead petitioner was not in attendance but had submitted a written representation which was read out for the attention of the Cabinet Member. Key points highlighted included:


·         The petition requested the installation of speedbumps on Minet Drive to address the issue of speeding vehicles, especially during evening and nighttime hours;


·         Residents were concerned about the safety of children, senior citizens, and all residents due to the dangerous environment created by speeding vehicles;


·         A recent high-speed chase in front of 28 Minet Drive had nearly caused severe damage and potentially fatal injuries;


·         The presence of small children at 28, 30, and 36 Minet Drive made the risk of speeding vehicles a constant source of anxiety;


·         Speedbumps were seen as an essential measure to protect safety and restore peace to the neighbourhood;


·         The noise from speeding vehicles, especially at night, was disruptive and distressing for families with small children;


·         There had been a noticeable rise in stolen car incidents on Minet Drive, adding to the sense of insecurity in the neighbourhood;


·         Senior citizens living on Minet Drive faced discomfort and hazards due to speeding vehicles;


·         The petitioner urged the Council to prioritise the installation of speedbumps to improve safety and reduce criminal activity.


Ward Councillor Raju Sansarpuri was in attendance in support of petitioners but chose not to address the Cabinet Member so as to not repeat the concerns already raised by his fellow Hayes Town Ward Councillors in their written submissions. 


A written submission from Ward Councillor Peter Curling in support of petitioners was read out for the attention of the Cabinet Member. Key points raised included:


  • Councillor Curling had represented the area for 14 years and highlighted the problem of speeding traffic on Minet Drive and surrounding roads, which had increased in recent years;


  • The roads were narrow and had originally been built for horse and cart traffic. Residents had suggested lower speed limits or a one-way system to address the issues caused by speeding motorists;


  • Speed humps could create problems such as noise, flashing headlights, and issues for emergency services. However, modern traffic tables could address some of these issues;


  • Councillor Curling supported the residents' petition for traffic calming measures and urged the Cabinet Member and highways officers to consider a scheme that met the residents' desires.


A written submission from Ward Councillor Janet Gardner had also been received and was read out for the attention of the Cabinet Member. Key points raised included:


  • Councillor Gardner was in support of the petition due to traffic speeding concerns on the estate, which had the potential to cause accidents and damage property or people;


  • Councillor Gardner had frequently visited the area and had found the speed of drivers frightening;


  • Drivers often used the end of the road near the 312 bus access point to engage in antisocial behaviour in the evenings before speeding back towards Coldharbour Lane;


  • Residents' expected the Council to implement measures to ensure their safety and the safety of their properties.


In response to requests for clarification  ...  view the full minutes text for item 36.