Agenda and minutes

Petition Hearing - Cabinet Member for Planning, Housing & Growth - Wednesday, 5th February, 2025 6.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions

No. Item


Declarations of interest in matters coming before this meeting




To consider the report of the officers on the following petitions received:


To confirm that the business of the meeting will take place in public


It was confirmed that the meeting was held in Part I.


Derwent Avenue, Ickenham - Petition Requesting The Installation Of 'Speed Bumps' For Enhanced Safety pdf icon PDF 415 KB

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member considered an e-petition signed by residents of Derwent Avenue, requesting urgent traffic calming measures due to persistent speeding issues.  


The lead petitioner was not in attendance however submitted a written representation highlighting the following points:   


·         Residents reported that speeding was particularly severe during morning and evening peak hours, with the road being used as a cut-through by motorists seeking to avoid congestion. 

·         Residents were extremely concerned about pedestrian and road safety. 

·         Concerns were raised regarding a lack of speed limit signage, making it unclear for drivers. 

·         There was an absence of any traffic-calming infrastructure such as speed bumps or raised crossings. 

·         There was an increased risk to children, elderly residents and pedestrians, particularly near intersections. 

·         Residents requested the installation of speed tables to slow down traffic, additional road signage indicating speed limits and pedestrian crossings at key points.


Ward Councillor Eddie Lavery raised concerns with the Cabinet Member about speeding near multiple schools, particularly during mornings and evenings. He emphasised the need for speed surveys to determine appropriate measures, especially near the sharp bend by the roundabout. He also referenced the fact that the e-petition with 21 signatures included only a few signatories from residents of Derwent Avenue, with the remainder coming from the wider borough, suggesting that should further proposals arise from further study, a consultation to assess views across the area would ultimately be needed to ensure that any proposals were acceptable to a majority of the residents most affected, especially those actually living in the road.


The Cabinet Member acknowledged the concerns and highlighted the importance of accurate data collection before implementing measures; such data would then inform the next steps, which he would consider with Ward Councillors and Officers.


The Cabinet Member also stressed to all petitioners this evening the fact that the Police remain the only body with powers of enforcement and whilst the Council will seek to do what is viable and well supported, they cannot match the Police’s enforcement powers


In considering the matters, the Cabinet Member made the following decisions.   


RESOLVED: That the Cabinet Member: 


1.    Met with petitioners and listened to their request for ‘speed bumps’ on Derwent Avenue, Ickenham; and 


2.    Decided that officers should commission independent 24/7 speed and traffic surveys on Derwent Avenue at locations agreed with petitioners and Ward Councillors. 


Reasons for decisions  


The Petition Hearing provided a valuable opportunity to hear directly from the petitioners of their concerns and suggestions.  


Alternative options considered / risk management: 


None at this stage. 



Sunnydene Avenue, Ruilsip Manor - Petition Requesting Traffic Calming Measures pdf icon PDF 320 KB

Additional documents:


The lead petitioner was in attendance and addressed the Cabinet Member, highlighting the following points: 


·         Sunnydene Avenue was frequently used as a cut-through, resulting in high-speed traffic, particularly during peak hours. 

·         The road had narrow pavements, which posed a safety risk for pedestrians, including children and elderly residents, who were often forced to walk on the road. 

·         Drivers frequently ignored existing road signs, leading to reckless driving. 

·         The road ran parallel to Victoria Avenue, which had busy shops, Ruislip Manor Underground Station, and various local amenities. 

·         A number of traffic calming measures were requested, including the installation of speed humps and additional signage and road markings to improve driver awareness of pedestrians. 


The Cabinet Member informed petitioners that he was familiar with Sunnydene Avenue and the surrounding area. It was noted that similar concerns had been raised in previous years, and a new traffic survey would be necessary to reassess the situation. If independent 24/7 traffic and speed survey results confirm persistent speeding issues, appropriate measures will be explored to enhance safety. 


RESOLVED: That the Cabinet Member: 


1.    Met with petitioners and listens to their request for the Council to implementtraffic calming measures in Sunnydene Avenue, Ruislip Manor; and 

2.    Confirmed that officers would commission independent 24/7 traffic and speed surveys on Sunnydene Avenue and other possible nearby roads at locations as agreed with petitioners and Ward Councillors. 


Reasons for decisions 


The Petition Hearing provided a valuable opportunity to hear directly from the petitioners of their concerns and suggestions.  


Alternative options considered / risk management: 


None at this stage. 



Gordon Road, Yiewsley - Petition Requesting Restricted Access To The Road At The Start And End Of The School Day pdf icon PDF 428 KB

Additional documents:


The lead petitioner was in attendance and addressed the Cabinet Member, highlighting the following points: 


·         Gordon Road experienced high vehicle volumes during school drop-off and pick-up times. 

·         Chaotic traffic conditions frequently led to near misses and accidents. 

·         A recent incident involving a driver losing control underscored the urgency of intervention. 

·         A number of traffic management measures were requested, including introducing restrictions on vehicle access during school hours and implementing a permit-based system allowing only residents and disabled users to access the road during peak times. 


Ward Councillor Naser Mohammed Abby raised concerns about speeding on Gordon Road, which leads to a primary school. He referenced that his petition benefited from nearly 400 signatures, proposing traffic restrictions while allowing exemptions for school drop-offs, staff, and disabled users, although he accepted when pointed out that only a small handful of signatures were from residents of Gordon Road, whose views on any proposals would clearly be paramount.


Cllr Abby highlighted a recent incident where a driver lost control, crashing through a fence and nearly into an elderly resident’s living room. He also noted issues with parents arriving late, blocking driveways, and obstructing emergency vehicles. The petition aims to improve traffic control and prevent further risks to locals.


The Cabinet Member informed petitioners that school-related traffic issues were a recurring concern across the borough. A traffic survey would be conducted, and further discussions would take place regarding the feasibility of restrictions. Consultation with local schools, parents, and law enforcement would be considered to explore alternative traffic management strategies. Advised ward councillor Abby to report to safer neighbourhood team.


The Cabinet Member also encouraged ward councillor Abby to report these concerns directly to the Police Safer Neighbourhood team.
RESOLVED: That the Cabinet Member:


1.    Met with petitioners and listened to their request for the Council to restrict access to Gordon Road at the start and end of the school day. 

2.    Requested officers to commission independent traffic surveys in an area agreed with Ward Councillors and video surveys for pedestrian movements in Gordon Road. 

3.    Requested Ward Councillors to encourage Rabbsfarm School to move forward with the work already co-developed with the Council’s School Travel and Road Safety Team, including the ‘Living Streets WOW’ challenge referenced in the report. 


Reasons for decisions 

The Petition Hearing provided a valuable opportunity to hear directly from the petitioners about their concerns and suggestions.


Alternative options considered / risk management: 


None at this stage. 




Church Road, West Drayton - Petition Requesting The Installation Of 'Speed Bumps' To Reduce The Speed Of Traffic pdf icon PDF 408 KB

Additional documents:


The lead petitioner was in attendance and addressed the Cabinet Member, highlighting the following points: 


·         Church Road had experienced multiple accidents and near-misses, including an incident where a child was struck by a vehicle. 

·         A previous petition for a zebra crossing had been stalled due to objections from certain residents. 

·         Increased vehicular traffic in recent years had exacerbated the problem. 

·         A number of traffic calming measures were requested, including the installation of speed bumps and a re-evaluation of the previous zebra crossing proposal in light of recent incidents. 


Ward Councillor Mohammed Shofiul Islam raised concerns with the Cabinet Member about speeding near Laurel Lane Primary School, St. Martin’s, and St. Catherine’s, emphasising the risk to residents and children walking to school.

Ward Councillor Jan Sweeting attended in support of petitioners, stressing the need for safety measures on Church Road. She highlighted its multiple connecting roads and its link to Iver and the motorway, making it a hotspot for speeding, particularly by large industrial trucks. A petition was previously submitted by St. Martin’s.


Some years ago, a separate petition was previously submitted by St. Martin’s seeking the introduction of a new Zebra Crossing, but it was understood that at the time there proved to be difficulty in securing accommodation between the opposing desires of those who wanted the new crossing and those concerned at the loss of disabled parking that this would have entailed.


Ward Councillor Scott Farley was in attendance in support of the petitioners and his points were covered by both Councillors Sweeting and Islam. 


The Cabinet Member informed petitioners that Church Road had been the subject of multiple traffic safety concerns in past meetings. A comprehensive traffic survey would be conducted to assess road conditions and driver behaviour. Further engagement with residents, road safety officers, and the Highways Department would be necessary before deciding on interventions. 
RESOLVED: That the Cabinet Member: 


1.    Met with petitioners and listened to their concerns over traffic speeds and their request for speed bumps on Church Road, West Drayton. 


2.    Decided that officers should commission independent 24/7 speed and traffic surveys on Church Road, West Drayton, at locations agreed with petitioners and Ward Councillors. 


3.    Decided that officers in the highways team should investigate the area around the barrier and effectively analyse how the gate could be more robust and prevent the gate from being Vandalised. 


Reasons for decisions 

The Petition Hearing provided a valuable opportunity to hear directly from the petitioners about their concerns and suggestions. 

Alternative options considered / risk management

None at this stage.