Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services - email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: None. |
Declarations of interest in matters coming before this meeting Minutes: None. |
To confirm that the items of business marked Part I will be considered in Public and items marked Part II will be considered in Private Minutes: It was confirmed that all items of business were in Part I and would be considered in public. |
Matters that have been notified in advance or urgent Minutes: None. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: At the request of Democratic Services, a nomination for Chair was moved and seconded. It was agreed that Councillor Darran Davies would Chair the meeting.
Officers introduced the application for a late-night refreshment license for McDonalds, 22-24 Station Road, Hayes, UB3 4DA. The application had been submitted by Ms Elaine Rayner (agent) from Shoesmiths LLP on behalf of Rocket Restaurants Limited based at McDonalds, Iron Bridge, Uxbridge Road, UB1 3EG.
The application related to late night refreshment seven days a week, Monday to Sunday 23:00 until 00:00, without seasonal variations. This would allow for the selling of hot food and drink for consumption on and off the premises for one additional hour. The proposed opening hours were 06:00 to 00:00 throughout the week.
The application stated that what was in place already was robust and as far as reasonably practicable, secured the promotion of the licencing objectives. The application confirmed the use of CCTV, StaffSafe training, partnership working policies and litter patrols.
The application was submitted on 17 January 2025. The application was processed and sent out for consultation on 20 January. The application was advertised in an issue of the Uxbridge Gazette on 22 January. Officers attended the venue on 28 January and took a photo of the Blue Notice on display at the restaurant in full view of passersby. The last date for representations was set as 14 February. During the consultation period, officers received objections from one Ward Councillor and one from the Hayes Town Ward Safer Neighbourhood Panel.
The addendum highlighted proposed conditions agreed between the Licensing Authority and the agent, Ms Rayner.
The Committee were invited to determine the application.
Members asked and officers clarified that only one Ward Councillor had submitted a representation, and no objections had been received aside from the two stated.
Mr Shemuel Sheikh, the applicant’s representative, noted that the application followed what had already been granted under planning permission in terms of operating hours.
The Licensing Authority had no objection to the application and there was an agreed list of proposed conditions. There were also no objections received from the police as a responsible authority or from nearby residents, and it was confirmed that no one currently lived above the premises. It was highlighted that the two objections that had been received were primarily of speculation as opposed to evidence. It was further highlighted that there was a review mechanism in place should any future issues arise. There was no evidence of anti-social behaviour and lots of nearby premises had similar operating hours.
The application listed measures currently in place to meet the licensing objectives and these included training of all employees; the StaffSafe system which allowed an external operator to dial into to control any potential situations of antisocial behaviour through the Tannoy system and to log into CCTV and alert the authorities; litter picks in the general area which extended not just to McDonalds litter but any general litter. The restaurant had self-closing doors to restrict ... view the full minutes text for item 100. |