Browse meetings

Hillingdon Planning Committee

This page lists the meetings for Hillingdon Planning Committee.

Information about Hillingdon Planning Committee

The London Borough of Hillingdon is a Local Planning Authority and determines planning matters permitted in law. All matters relating to town and country planning functions, including The High Speed 2 (HS2) Act, are delegated to the Chief Planning Officer for determination, with the exception of the matters listed below which are for determination by the Hillingdon Planning Committee made up of Elected Councillors:


1)    Planning applications relating to ‘Major’ development as defined in The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) where the recommendation is for approval. Except that Planning Applications to vary an existing planning permission or associated legal agreement are delegated to the Chief Planning Officer (unless the variation results in a reduction of affordable housing provision).

2)    Any planning application where a Ward Councillor requests, in writing to the Chief Planning Officer within 21 days of the publication of the relevant weekly list of applications received by the Council, that it be determined by a Committee, but should the desired outcome subsequently be in accordance with the ‘Officer’s Recommendation’ or the call-in request be withdrawn, then the application will not be referred to Committee.

3)    Planning applications for which a petition of 20 or more valid signatures has been received, and the ‘officer’s recommendation’ does not accord with the desired outcome of the petition.

4)    Planning applications for which 20 or more separate written objections have been received, and the ‘officer’s recommendation’ is for approval.

5)    Planning applications for which 20 or more separate written representations of support have been received, and the ‘officer’s recommendation’ is for refusal.

6)    All planning applications where the Council is the applicant or has a financial liability.

7)    Planning applications submitted by or on behalf of a Councillor, Chief Officer or by or on behalf of any officer directly involved in the processing of planning applications.

8)    Applications for listed building consent for which there is a corresponding planning application which meets the criteria for referral to committee.

9)    The Committee will also consider applications under the High Speed 2 Act meeting the following criteria:

a.    Schedule 17(12) – Condition relating to site restoration where the proposals affect an area of more than 1 hectare.

b.    Schedule 16(5) – Condition relating to site restoration where the proposals affect an area of more than 1 hectare.