Agenda item

Oakwood, Catlins Lane, Pinner - 67139/APP/2011/2005

Part two storey, part single storey rear/side extension and single storey detached garage to side/rear involving demolition of existing detached garage to side.


Deferred from North Committee 10/01/2012


Recommendation: Approval


Part two storey, part single storey rear/side extension and single storey detached garage to side/rear involving demolition of existing detached garage to side.


This application was deferred at the committee of the 10th January 2012 for a site visit. Members visited the site on the 24th January 2012. Petitioners had addressed the Committee at the meeting on 10th January 2012 and a new petition had not been received, there was therefore no right to speak for petitioners at this meeting.


The application property was a distinctive, two storey, detached dwelling situated on the western side of Catlins Lane. The property dates from 1904, was locally listed and within the Eastcote Village Conservation Area. It was built in an Arts and Craft style, with elevations comprising rough cast render with a tiled roof with a circular bay to the front and a tiled roof turret.


The streetscene was verdant and semi-rural in nature. It was primarily residential with large two storey individually designed houses, generally set in large plots, with the buildings set well back from the road.


The application remained the same as previously presented to Committee with a minor amendment to the size of the patio, and width of the side extension, which were being reduced. The plans remained the same and additional information had been provided with the materials to be used.


An email had been received from a resident stating that the English Heritage had decided to protect the house with a Grade II listing and were expecting ratification of this from the Secretary of State by 29th February. Officers had received confirmation from English Heritage that the property was not recommended for a statutory listing.


It was also noted that an additional standard condition would be added, which was not included in the report or addendum, with regard to ‘boundary treatment.’


As site was within the Eastcote Village Conservation Area, Mrs Lesley Crowcroft had indicated she would be speaking on their behalf:

·      Mrs Crowcroft felt that the report, additional conditions and addendum did not show the protection across the ridge.

·      She asked that the rough cast be retained and the application would be more acceptable.

·      It was felt that the side extension would cause a terrace effect.

·      The new revised drawings did not contain the dimension of the side extension, as detailed in the officer’s report. 

·      Mrs Crowcroft asked that the conditions on the application contained a minimum distance. Neighbours and occupiers of Westcott had shown concern.

·      There were problems with air vents to consider.

·      The Conservation Panel felt the side extension would be over dominant and not in-keep with the street scene.


Officers confirmed that the conditions on the application required that the tiles and lights on the site be retained. Officers also confirmed that the plans set out in the addendum set out the distances. The rough cast was detailed in the conditions and was proposed to match.


Members commented that the property needed some work. The features of the property were being kept and the development would be a vast improvement.


Members had visited the site and thought it was an interesting development. It was noted that the urban and conservation officer stated in the report that the development was acceptable.


The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was unanimously agreed.


Resolved –


That the application be approved as per the agenda and the changes set out in the addendum, and additional standard boundary treatment condition.

Supporting documents: