Agenda item

North Road/Cranmer Road, Hayes - Petition Requesting the removal of Existing Waiting Restrictions


Concerns, comments and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:


  • That the double yellow lines on the junction of North Road, Tudor Road and Cranmer Road be removed, as they were causing a series of parking issues and problems in the area, which was already experiencing severe problems with parking.
  • Installing additional yellow lines would make the parking situation even more severe than already existed and therefore a request was made for alternative measures to the yellow lines.
  • If yellow lines were the only feasible measure that could be installed, a request was made that consideration be given to reducing existing yellow lines from10 metres to 5 metres.


Councillor Keith Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points raised:


  • Noted that installation of the existing yellow lines had removed some parking spaces and the proposed additional yellow lines would result in even further parking problems.
  • That Ward Councillors had initially requested the yellow lines as residents had initially complained to them about the parking issues in the area.
  • Advised that there had also been an incident where the fire brigade had been unable to gain access into Cranmer Road to attend to a burning car.
  • Stated that for the above reasons therefore and following an investigation, it was decided that installation of yellow lines was the best way forward.
  • Emphasised that problems access for Emergency vehicles was one that was taken very seriously by the Council.
  • Explained that a 10 metre restriction had therefore been implemented in line with the High Way Code, which stipulated that drivers should not park “within 10 metres of a junction”.
  • Highlighted that no representations had been received from Ward Councillors regarding this petition.
  • The Cabinet Member stated that he would ask officers to investigate the restriction but stressed that this was not an indication that the yellow lines would be removed.
  • Advised that part of the investigation would include consulting with the Emergency Services. The petitioner was informed that if the Emergency Services asked for the restrictions not to be removed, the yellow lines would remain in place.
  • Reiterated that the only way to prevent vehicles parking inconsiderately on junctions was to add yellow lines. Apart from adding a physical barrier (which would not be appropriate in this case), there was no other viable option but to use yellow lines.
  • The Cabinet Member stated that he would ask officers to meet with petitioners on site during their investigations.
  • Advised that if officers found that there was a reasonable case that 5 metres restrictions would be feasible, this would then be assessed on site.


Officers advised that:


·        The current consultation on the proposed new additional yellow lines on the wider junction was separate from this petition. However, if the consultation coincided with the request for the removal of the current yellow lines, petitioners could use the opportunity to discuss their concerns.

·        Petitioners must note that it was imperative for there to be reasonable access into and out of a road.


Resolved - That the Cabinet Member:


1.      Considered the petitioners’ request and discussed with them in detail their request to remove the existing waiting restrictions.


2.      Subject to the outcome of 1 above asked officers to reinvestigate the reduction of ‘At Any Time’ waiting restrictions as shown on Appendix A.


Reasons for recommendation


To allow the Cabinet Member to discuss in detail with petitioners their concerns. The successes of traffic measures which address speeding are largely acceptable to local residents. These can be identified with petitioners for further detailed investigation by officers within the Road Safety Programme.  


Alternative Options Considered


These can be discussed with petitioners.




Supporting documents: