Agenda item

Pield Heath Road, Hillingdon - Petition Requesting the Naming of a Crossing and Road Safety Measures


Councillor Brain Stead attended as a Ward Councillor in support of the petitioners. 


It was noted that the petition to Council had 562 signatures, not 32 as stated in the officer report, as an additional 530 signatures had been submitted.


Concerns, comments and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:

  • Mrs Sharon Pargiter spoke to behalf of the petition submitted to the Council.
  • The family and friends of Jo Larkin asked the Council for a speed reduction near Hillingdon Hospital.
  • Mrs Larkin passed away in an accident outside Hillingdon Hospital.
  • It was stated the lights at the junction where Jo Larkin’s death occurred could have contributed to the accident on 15 November 2010.
  • Mrs Pargiter informed that the police had looked into the matter; that statements had been very conflicting on what actually happened.
  • Vehicles queued into the traffic lights and were stationary at the lights due to the traffic, even when green.
  • Quite often the road would be so congested that cars would remain stationary for a few minutes.
  • There was confusion on who had the right of way between pedestrians and drivers.
  • The vision at the junction was obscured.
  • 30mph was too fast for the left inside lane for drivers that were travelling straight ahead.
  • There were 6 different bus routes that used the area, these could also obscure views.
  • The vulnerable, elderly and children used the roads in the area.
  • Installing CCTV cameras could establish reasons for any future events that could occur.
  • The petitioner stated that her mother was extremely aware of road safety.
  • The case had caused unimaginable pain to her family.
  • Safety measures could prevent another family to go through the pain and save another life.
  • The petitioners also asked for a plaque with Mrs Larkin’s name on to put on the road in memory.


A Ward Councillor spoke and raised the following points:

  • The Ward Councillor in attendance stated that all three Ward Councillor’s were in support of the petition for road safety measures and a plaque in memory of Mrs Larkin.
  • The hospital was working with TfL on options looking forward.
  • The accident outside the hospital was still very much in the thoughts of everyone who signed the petition.


Councillor Keith Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points raised:

  • The Cabinet Member understood the petitioners concerns and gave his deepest sympathy on the events that lead to Mrs Larkin’s death.
  • The Cabinet Member agreed that a plaque be placed in dedication to Mrs Larkin. He informed petitioners that they would be advised by officers when this would be put so that they could be present.
  • Work was already underway and various plans had been looked at by the Cabinet Member.
  • A reduction of the speed limit needed to be requested and this had to be agreed with the emergency services. The Cabinet Member advised that due to the location of the road, outside Accident & Emergency, Hillingdon Hospital, it was unlikely a speed limit reduction would be agreed.
  • Therefore other safety measures to reduce speed needed to be considered.
  • The Cabinet Member would agree considering a safety table outside A & E. 
  • It was noted there was already one VAS on Pield Heath Road, these are rotational. The Cabinet Member asked officers to look into whether another VAS was required in the area.
  • The Cabinet Member informed petitioners that CCTV and speed cameras were not in the Council’s jurisdiction. This was run by TfL and the MET. It was noted that campaigning for these could take many years.
  • When these are installed KSI figures were looked at. Accident statistics needed to support the need for these. This was set by statue and Greater London was looked at, not just the Borough.
  • The Cabinet Member asked officers to look at traffic calming measures through the road safety programme.
  • As the Cabinet Member he was informed of the accident and sent road safety officers out straightaway to work very closely with the Police and take any comments on board.
  • It was noted that there would be some reconfiguration of the junction.
  • The Council worked closely with the safer neighbourhood teams.
  • It was noted that any changes to the traffic lights would need TfL permission.


Resolved - That the Cabinet Member:


1.         Met with petitioners and discussed in detail their request for road safety measures on Pield Heath Road and their request to name the crossing after Margaret Josephine Larkin.


2.         Considered the request for naming the controlled crossing on Pield Heath Road, which could take the form of a suitable plaque dedicated to the memory of Margaret Josephine Larkin.


3.         Asked officers to investigate any feasible measures identified as part of the Council’s Road Safety Programme.


4.         Instructed officers to investigate the feasibility of adding Pield Heath Road to future Phases of the Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS) Programme.


Reasons for recommendation


To give the Cabinet Member the opportunity to discuss in detail the petitioners’ concerns


Alternative Options Considered


This was discussed with petitioners.

Supporting documents: