Agenda item

Planning and Community Services Budget Report 2010/2011 and Quarterly Performance Information Report 2009


Budget Report 2010/2011


The Head of Finance, in introducing the budget report, advised that the introductory statements of the budget reports were generic to both Planning & Community Services and Environment & Consumer Protection Services.


Outlining the reports, he explained the main financial issues, within the context of the Council’s overall financial position relating to the financial planning process for 2010/2011 for Planning and Community Services and Environment & Consumer Protection Services (ECP).


The Committee noted that the Council was well placed to deal with the challenges ahead and had exceeded the £12m target for balances by the end of 2009/10.


Members were asked to note the time table for the medium term financial forecast (MTFF) process timetable.


A member asked how financial pressures on the Government would impinge on homelessness and whether it would affect the percentage on care inflation.


Officers advised that financial pressures on the Government may impinge on homelessness through cuts in subsidies, and that the social care contract was built around inflation and some would be related to Retail Price Index as part of the figure.


The member requested officers to email further details in respect of funding for social care contract.


Officers highlighted that following the Service Review of Planning and Community Services group, £960k savings had been generated. It was noted that the key area of income streams were in Development Control and the fees for major applications.  However, with the current economic situation, this had become a most volatile area given the significant scale of fees and the limited volume of applications.


It was noted that the challenge for the group was to review, monitor and evaluate the key planning income streams. Areas such as Land Charges were now more tightly operated.


In response to a question raised about value for money not being mentioned in the report, officers advised that value for money was integral to the whole process. The balance between agency staff and permanent staff continued to be under review.


Quarterly Performance Information Report 2009


Officers presented the report to the Committee and the following points were made:


  • That there were 13 targets in the LAA to be delivered by Planning and Community Services, which included affordable housing. These were all shown as completed at the end of quarter four and were accepted at the Cabinet meeting in April 2009.


  • That value for money (£750k), with an overspend of 454k from the slippage in the assignment of the leisure contact for golf. All four tasks in the group’s plan to achieve ‘value for money’ had been reported as being either on track or completed.


  • Members were advised that all the National Indicators (NI) directly relevant to the group for quarter 4 (Q4) had been completed. It was noted that some targets had not yet been set as they were new and had had no previous data against which performance could be measured.


  • Officers highlighted that the results achieved in respect of NI157 – was an indication that the Council was not only a level Council, but a strong level Council.


The following requests and points were made by the Councillors:


  • The Chairman requested a breakdown of the 30 complaints and Ombudsman enquiries outlined in the reported. Further details in respect of the Arts were requested, as Members wanted to ascertain the level and types of complaints given the high level of use of public libraries, visits to the museums and galleries and engagements in the arts. Details to be circulated to Members.


  • Councillor Michael Markham asked how officers planned to make money out of the Arts. Officers responded that this area would be delegated to create opportunities for different productions to be staged and new audiences would be explored. It was noted however, that more clarity would be required in this area.


  • Councillor Judy Kelly commented that Compass Theatre was currently being operated as a letting venue. When it

Was controlled by the Council, income generated went straight to the Council.


The Head of Sports and Leisure advised that she would investigate and provide further details to Members.


Resolved – That the planning and Community Services Budget Report 2010/2011 and Quarterly Performance Information Report 2009 be noted


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