Agenda item

The Old Vinyl Factory Site, Blyth Road, Hayes - 59872/APP/2012/1838

Outline planning application for a mixed use development of the Old Vinyl Factory site, including the demolition of up to 12,643 sqm of buildings and construction of up to 112,953 sqm (112,953 sqm includes the retention and re-use of 784 sqm of the Power House and 901 sqm Pressing Plant) of new floorspace. Uses to include up to 510 residential units (maximum area of 49,000 sqm GEA), up to 7,886 sqm of new B1 floorspace, up to 4,000 sqm of A class uses (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5), up to 4,700 sqm of D1 and D2 uses, an energy centre (up to 950 sqm), car parking, works to access and creation of new accesses and landscaping.




1. That the application be referred to the Greater London Authority (under Article 5 of the Town and Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008).

2. That subject to the Mayor not directing the Council under Article 6 of the Town and Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008 to refuse the application, or under Article 7 of the Order that he is to act as the local planning authority for the purpose of determining the application, delegated powers be given to the Head of Planning & Enforcement to grant planning permission, subject to any relevant amendments requested by the Government Office for London or the Greater London Authority.


Outline planning application for a mixed use development of the Old Vinyl Factory site, including the demolition of up to 12,643 sqm of buildings and construction of up to 112,953 sqm (112,953 sqm includes the retention and re-use of 784 sqm of the Power House and 901 sqm Pressing Plant) of up to 510 residential units (maximum area of 49,000 sqm GEA), up to 7,886 sqm of new B1 floorspace, up to 4,000 sqm of A class uses (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5), up to 4,700 sqm of D1 and D2 uses, an energy centre (up to 950 sqm), car parking, works to access and creation of new accesses and landscaping.


Officers introduced the report and outlined the changes as per the addendum. 


The site had previously failed to attract new tenants in significant numbers and, as a result, a number of the existing buildings have fallen into disrepair and the regeneration had not materialised.  The application seeked to create a new urban quarter with the potential for up to 4,000 jobs on the site with further jobs created, indirectly, off site.


In accordance with the Council’s constitution a representative of the petition received in support of the proposals was invited to address the meeting. The lead petitioner spoke on behalf of the petition and applicant and raised the following points:


  • That previous applications did not have the right concept.
  • The proposed development would create extra jobs on-site.
  • Planning requirements had been met.
  • It was important that the proposals were moved forward.
  • A cinema and restaurant had already showed interest and committed.
  • The application would contribute to public realm and town centre improvements.


The Chairman read the Committee an email received from Cllr Janet Gardner who was a Ward Councillor.  The email stated that Cllr Gardner was a local resident on the periphery of the application site and supported the proposals.  Originally Cllr Gardner was not happy to learn that a development would be built in such close proximity to her home.  However, following several meetings with the developer and having viewed the plans Cllr Gardner was now excited about the proposals and the developers’ enthusiasm to put Hayes back on the map.


The Head of Planning, Sport and Green Spaces informed Members that a letter had been received from TFL regarding highway modelling issues which was attached to the addendum.  Members discussed other planning applications in the local area which had been approved, or were waiting for approval.  Members questioned whether any future traffic modelling plans would incorporate the recently approved ASDA site, the HPH Millington Road applications and the Vinyl Factory.  Officers confirmed that all sites would be incorporated into any future traffic modelling plans to ensure a solution that works as a whole. 


Members were concerned about the proximity of the railway line and the noise effect it could have on residents.  Officers assured Members that an acoustic barrier would be installed prior to any works being carried out.  There was also concern made regarding the windows and whether they could be opened.  Officers assured Members that there would be adequate ventilation and the windows were designed to minimise the noise impact.  It was noted that this extra preventative was above and beyond planning policy.


Members welcomed the proposals and noted the benefits that the development would bring to Hayes.  It was noted that any major changes to the planning applications for the Vinyl Factory would be brought back to the Committee for a decision.


Members agreed to amend recommendation 4 to read ‘Unless otherside agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority the development shall be carried out in full accordance with Phasing Plan Ref: 9004 rev 05.’


Members agreed to amend the height limit condition in the addendum to read:  ‘No building hereby permitted, other than the chimney stack of the powerhouse, shall exceed 67.93m AOD.’


The recommendation contained in the officer’s report with the changes outlined in the addendum was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was unanimously agreed.




1. That the application be referred to the Greater London Authority (under Article 5 of the Town and Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008).

2. That subject to the Mayor not directing the Council under Article 6 of the Town and Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008 to refuse the application, or under Article 7 of the Order that he is to act as the local planning authority for the purpose of determining the application, delegated powers be given to the Head of Planning & Enforcement to grant planning permission, subject to any relevant amendments requested by the Government Office for London or the Greater London Authority and the following:


A.     That the Council enters into a legal agreement with the applicant under Section 106 of the 1990 Town & Country Planning Act (as amended) and/or Section 278 and S38 of the Highways Act 1980 (as amended) or other  appropriate legislation to secure:


1. Employment Safeguarding: A programme of work to secure the refurbishment of the record store building. The programme is to ensure phased restoration of the Record Store building to shell and core status.  Shell to be refurbished prior to occupation of the 140th unit, with the ground floor also being fitted out to core standards at that time. At the time the ground floor is 75% let then the owner shall then fit out the first floor to core standards inclusive of the lifts. At the time the first floor is 75% let then the core works to the second shall be completed.  This process to continue until the shell and core of all floors of the building have been refurbished.     


2. Construction Training: Either a contribution equal to the formula as contained in the planning obligations SPD or an in-kind scheme delivered during all the construction phases of the development is to be agreed and implemented.


3. Employment Strategy: An employment strategy for the site which facilitates and promotes the employment of local people on site.


4. Energy Centre Provision: An obligation to secure delivery of the Energy Centre and any necessary alternative energy measures.


5. Public Realm/Town Centre Improvements: a financial contribution of



6. Affordable Housing: 5% of the total scheme is to be delivered as affordable housing. A review mechanism will be incorporated into the s106 agreement to identify and secure additional affordable housing in the event of an uplift in land value as a result of improved economic conditions in the future (any increase will either be delivered on site or as a payment in lieu).


7. Education: A financial contribution in line with the formula as contained in the Planning Obligations SPD, revised Chapter 4 Education will be delivered.


8. Community Facility: Either the delivery of a music (EMI) museum on the site or a financial contribution in the sum of £100,000 to be secured.


9. Health: A financial contribution in line with the formula as contained in the Planning Obligations SPD equal to £216.67 per person.


10. Libraries: A financial contribution in line with the formula as contained in the Planning Obligations SPD equal to £23 per person.


11. Highways: A s278/38 agreement is required to be entered into to address all highways works as required by the Council's highways engineer.


12. Public Transport: A contribution in the sum of £20,000 has been sought by TfL: £10,000 for bus stop improvements on Clarendon Road and £10,000 towards Legible London Signing.


13. Travel Plans: Travel Plans are to be prepared and adhered to for the different aspects of this mixed use scheme.



14. Controlled Parking Scheme: To undertake a parking study and implement the findings of the study the cost of which is to be met by the developer. The use of the existing s106 funds from the partially implemented extant scheme of £32,805.07 are to be utilised towards any parking scheme that is required as a result of the study. In the event that no controlled parking measures are required then these funds are to be incorporated into the Public Realm/Town Centre contribution.


15. Air Quality: A contribution in the sum of £25,000 for the local air quality monitoring network is required.


16. Project Management and Monitoring Fee: in line with the Planning Obligations SPD a contribution equal to 5% of the total cash contribution secured from the scheme to enable the management and monitoring of the resulting agreement is required.


17. Crossrail Contribution/Mayoral CIL: Payment to the GLA either the Mayoral CIL or a Cross Rail contribution (required under the operative Crossrail SPG), which ever is the greater amount.


B. That the applicant meets the Council's reasonable costs in the preparation of the S106 Agreement and any abortive work as a result of the agreement not being completed.


C. That officers be authorised to negotiate and agree the detailed terms of the proposed agreement.


D. If the Legal Agreement/s have not been finalised within 6 months, delegated authority be given to the Head of Planning, Sport and Green Spaces to refuse planning permission for the following reason:


'The applicant has failed to provide contributions towards the improvement of services and facilities as a consequence of demands  created by the proposed development (in respect of education, housing, construction and employment training facilities and off site highways works). The proposal therefore conflicts with Policy AM2, AM7 and R17 of the adopted Hillingdon Unitary Development Plan Saved Policies September 2007.'


E.  That the application be approved subject to the conditions out lined in the officers report and changes as per the addendum.

Supporting documents: