Agenda item

Review 1: Review of Regulations and Byelaws relating to Cemeteries and Burial Grounds within Hillingdon

Discussion on possible conclusions and recommendations.


The Committee discussed the revised draft regulations that had been circulated electronically prior to the meeting. Members welcomed the document and thanked officers for producing a worthwhile document.


During discussion, members highlighted the fact that the maximum period for the grant of exclusive right of burial had been decided/ set at 30 years, which could be extended in 10 year blocks for up to 100 years from the date it was granted.


Members also welcomed the fact that the 30 years of exclusive right of burial had been tied in with the requirement for works on grave space to be carried out only by a Memorial Mason accredited to the British Registration of Approved Monumental Masons Scheme (BRAMM) or National Association of Memorial Masons (NAMM) and subject to a “Guarantee of Conformity” granted by the mason for a minimum of 30 years.


The Committee indicated that residents must have the option of selecting the type of graves that was preferable to them. However, it was noted that there would be additional cost implications to those preferring to opt for the full ‘traditional’ grave, due to higher maintenance costs involved.


The Committee considered that the following recommendations:


1.                  Officers to support Friends Groups

2.                  Maintenance of Cemeteries and Burial grounds to be brought back in-house

3.                  Give consideration to the purchase of machinery to break down clay soil which could be used to fill up graves

4.                  Re-instate the supply of leaflets setting out regulations to funeral directors for distribution to bereaved families

5.                  Winter rolling programme to be publicised to residents (so that residents can be made aware that works where works could not be completed imminently, they had be scheduled to be completed at some time)

6.                   Consider the provision of toilet facilities

7.                  Consider the provision of shelter for families to congregate at Cherry Lane in the absence of a Chapel

8.                  Give consideration to what actions could be taken to address the issue of the state of disrepair of the arch at the entrance of Hillingdon cemetery

9.                  That the officers continue to work closely with the Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT)

10.             Officers in consultation with the SNT to agree a protocol of how to deal with anti-social behaviour at cemeteries

11.             Conduct safety inspection of memorials every as recommended by the Health & Safety Executive and notify grant owners of the outcome


Officers advised that the grass cutting season commenced in March and announced that the Winter Working Programme began at the end of September/early October 2012. It was noted that vast improvement could already be seen at Hillingdon and at West Drayton cemetery where shrubs had been cleared and new trees had been planted.


The Chairman of the Committee informed Members that Officers would compile a draft final report and would circulate this to Members for comment. The Chairman of the Committee requested Members to send any comments or amendments to Nadia Williams in Democratic Services.


Resolved that:       


1)     The above proposed list of recommendations form the final recommendations of  the Committee’s review of Regulations and Byelaws relating to Cemeteries and Burial Grounds within Hillingdon

2)     Members would send any comments or amendments on the

            final report to Democratic Services officers

3)     The Committee agreed to delegate work on the final report to the Chairman and officers





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