Agenda item

Sainsbury's Superstore, Long Drive, South Ruislip, 33667/APP/2012/3214

Demolition of existing store and erection of new larger retail superstore, creation of ancillary commercial units (Use Class A1, A2, A3, and D1), refurbishment of existing petrol station, creation of new service yard and decked car park, alterations to existing public car park with associated landscaping and public ream works.


Recommendation: That delegated powers be given to the Head of Planning, Sport and Green Spaces to grant planning permission, subject to any relevant amendments agreed by the Head of Planning, Sport and Green Spaces and also those requested by the Greater London Authority and the conditions as outlined in the report.


Demolition of existing store and erection of new larger retail superstore, creation of ancillary commercial units (Use Class A1, A2, A3, and D1), refurbishment of existing petrol station, creation of new service yard and decked car park, alterations to existing public car park with associated landscaping and public ream works.


Officers introduced the report and outlined the changes made as per the addendum.


Members asked about the Council car part nearby and wished for reassurance that this would remain unaffected and continue to be £2 a day parking for residents. Officers confirmed that conditions to this respect were outlined in the addendum.


Members discussed the traffic lights at the Long Drive junction and stated that the lights were not phased properly. This was a major traffic problem area. Officers were in some disagreement on whether this was something that could be included in the application as it was an existing problem, which could perhaps be dealt by with the relevant Council department. Officers clarified that the transport assessment looked at the traffic lights on this development and it was decided that there was no justification for re-phasing the traffic lights. Or had the developer been asked to do this at any stage of the application process.


Members asked for clarification on the access to the new retail units that were being proposed. Officers stated that access would be from both directions. The units would be some retail units and some business start up units. It was noted that the commercial units could be a range of uses, A1, A2, A3 and D1. No businesses had been identified yet but possible occupiers were in discussion with the Council’s partnership team.  The issue of competition was discussed to existing local businesses in the area. Members had some concerns that no split was given on the retail units being proposed.


Members spoke about delivery to retail and the petrol station and that there was history of major problems with lorries parked up on Victoria Road. Officers stated that much of the servicing would be done at an upper level for minimal impact and that there would be enough room for lorries to turn. The loading bays were shown on plans and this showed bays for 2 vehicles.


Members stated that the current site had recycling amenities for the public and this was not shown in the proposed plans. Members asked for clarification on where this would be.


It was noted that the report projected that there would be approximately 18 additional vehicles per hour in peak times. Members asked for clarification on this as the size of the store was double and the extra parking spaces was considerable.


The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was unanimously agreed.


Resolved –


That the application be approved as per the agenda, the changes set out in the addendum and the following amendments, wording to be agreed by the Chairman and Labour Lead:

  1. Amend the car parking condition to ensure it referred to 24 spaces being re-provided. The 24 spaces to be re-provided shall be conveniently located in the vicinity of the existing Council car park and shall be for use under the same terms, conditions and tariffs as parking spaces in the public car park;
  2. Servicing conditions to be satisfied;
  3. Details of the split of retail units to be agreed;
  4. Review the operation of the signal controlled junction (including signal timing review) at the intersection of Victoria Road/Long Drive and implementation of all works identified in the review which were necessary to mitigate the impact of the development; and

The new site for waste and recycling to be included onto plans.

Supporting documents: