Agenda item

Land rear of 37 - 39 Wimbourne Avenue, Hayes 63342/APP/2013/1168

Two storey, four-bed, detached dwelling with associated parking and amenity space and installation of 2 x vehicular crossovers to side, involving relocation of existing garage to No.37.


Recommendation : Approval subject to a S106 Agreement




Two storey, four-bed, detached dwelling with associated parking and amenity space and installation of 2 x vehicular crossovers to side, involving relocation of existing garage to No.37.


Officers introduced the report and confirmed that there was only one new crossover being proposed as part of this application as the other three crossovers were already in existence.


In answer to a question raised officers suggested that condition 11 could be amended to include a visibility splay to be provided for the crossover in Lulworth Waye.


A member raised concerns about there being a velux in the roof and that it could in the future be capable of becoming a habitable room. Could a condition be added to ensure that this space was for ancillary storage only.


Officers suggested that there was no access shown to the roofspace and as this may be part of the approved scheme, a condition was not felt to be necessary. Officers advised that each dwelling had approximately 150 square metres of amenity space, so if this was used as a habitable room this would not cause any concerns.


The recommendation contained in the officer’s report was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed.


Resolved - That delegated powers be given to the Head of Planning, Green Spaces and Culture to grant planning permission, subject to the following:


A. That the Council enters into an agreement with the applicant under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) and/or Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980 (as amended) and/ or other appropriate legislation to secure:


i)                    A contribution of £15,443 for capacity enhancements in local schools;


B) That in respect of the application for planning permission, the applicant meets the Council's reasonable costs in preparation of the legal Agreement(s) and any abortive work as a result of the agreement not being completed.


C) That officers be authorised to negotiate and agree the detailed terms of the proposed agreement and conditions of approval.


D) That if any of the heads of terms set out above have not been agreed and the legal agreement has not been finalised within 6 months of the date of this Committee resolution, or any other period deemed appropriate by the Head of Planning, Green Spaces and Culture , then the application be refused for the following reason:


'The development is likely to give rise to a significant number of children of school age that would require additional educational provisions, due to the shortfall of places in schools serving the area. Given that a legal agreement or unilateral undertaking has not been offered and the applicants are not willing to enter into or provide any such agreement, to address this issue, the proposal is considered to be contrary to Policy R17 of the Hillingdon Local Plan: Part Two - Saved UDP Policies (November 2012) and the Council's Planning Obligations, Supplementary Planning Document (July 2008).'


E) That subject to the above, the application be deferred for determination by the Head of Planning, Green Spaces and Culture under delegated powers, subject to the completion of the legal agreement with the applicant.


F) That if the application is approved, the conditions set out in the officer’s report and addendum sheet circulated at the meeting and subject to any changes negotiated by the Head of Planning, Green Spaces and Culture prior to issuing the decision. 



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