Agenda item

Unitair Centre, Great South West Road - 49559/APP/2014/334

Outline application (all matters reserved) to provide up to 14,750sqm of B1c/B2/B8/Sui Generis (Car Showroom) uses (up to a maximum of 1,700 sqm of sui generis floorspace) with associated landscaping and access.


Recommendation - That the delegated powers be given to the Head of Planning, Culture and Green Spaces, subject to the recommendations in the officers' report.



Outline application (all matters reserved) to provide up to 14,750sqm of B1c/B2/B8/Sui Generis (Car Showroom) uses (up to a maximum of 1,700 sqm of sui generis floorspace) with associated landscaping and access.


Officers introduced the report and referred members to the addendum sheet that had been circulated.


The site was identified as an Industrial and Business Area (IBA and as a Locally Significant Industrial Site).  The site was in close proximity to  Heathrow  Airport,  and  was  adjoined  by  industrial  buildings  to  the  west  and south.  The  closest  residential  properties were on  the  opposite  side  of  the  Great  South  West Road (A30) which was a main distributor road to the east.


It was highlighted that all matters were reserved.  It had been demonstrated that appropriate detailed design, which would be dealt with at a later stage, can be achieved within the proposed parameters and conditions and a legal agreement would ensure all other aspects of the scheme were fully compliant with policy.


Members discussed the application and suggested changing condition 22 to read 'shall only be permitted' rather than 'provided'.   Members questioned the exit and entrances to the site and the parking.  It was highlighted that garage owners would be less likely to sell available parking for those using the airport as it would leave less spaces for its customers; it could have an impact on the work that was proposed to be carried out on site.


The recommendation for approval along with the changes outlined in the addendum was moved, seconded and on being put to the, vote was unanimously agreed.


Resolved -


1.That  delegated  powers  be  given  to  the  Head  of  Planning,  Green  Spaces  and Culture to grant planning permission subject to:

A)Entering  into  an  agreement with  the  applicant  under  Section  106  of  the  Town and  Country  Planning  Act  1990  (as  amended)  and/or  S278  of  the  Highways Act 1980 (as amended) and/or other appropriate legislation to secure:

i)  Construction  Training  (financial  sum  for  workplace  coordinator  and  in-kind delivery of training scheme);

ii) Air Quality Management contribution £25,000;

iii) Travel Plan: 10 Year Green Travel Plans for each phase of the development. A financial contribution of £20,000 will also be provided to enable the monitoring of these travel plans for the 10 year period.

iv) Project Management and Monitoring Sum: a financial contribution equal to 5% of the total cash contribution.


B)That  in  respect of  the application for  planning permission,  the applicant meets the  Councils  reasonable  costs  in  preparation  of  the  Section  106  and/or  278 Agreements  and  any  abortive  work  as  a  result  of  the  agreement  not  being completed.

C)That  Officers  be  authorised  to  negotiate  and  agree  the  detailed  terms  of  the proposed agreement and conditions of approval.

D)If  the  Legal  Agreements  have  not  been  finalised  by  30th May  2014,  delegated authority  be  given  to  the Head  of Planning, Green Spaces  and Culture  to  refuse planning permission for the following reason:

'The applicant has failed to deliver necessary offsite highway works and to provide contributions towards the improvement of services and facilities as a consequence  of  demands  created  by  the  proposed  development  (in  respect  of construction  training,  air  quality management,  Green  Travel  Plan  and  Project Management and Monitoring). The proposals therefore conflicts with Policy AM2, AM7  and  R17  of  the  adopted  Local  Plan  and  the  Councils  Planning Obligations SPG.'

E)That subject  to  the above,  the application  be  deferred  for  determination by  the Head of Planning, Green Spaces and Culture under delegated powers, subject  to completion  of  the  legal  agreement  under  Section  106  of  the  Town  and  Country Planning Act 1990 and other appropriate powers with the applicant.

F)That if the application is approved, the following conditions outlined in the officers report be imposed subject to changes negotiated by the Head of Planning, Green Spaces and Culture prior to issuing the decision.

Supporting documents: