Agenda item

Stockley Park Golf Clubhouse, Stockley Road, West Drayton 37850/APP/2012/2739

Remodelling, realignment, and landscaping of existing 10th hole of golf course including planting, remodelling of landforms, and the enhancement and alteration of paths, greens, and fairways.



Remodelling, realignment, and landscaping of existing 10th hole of golf course including planting, remodelling of landforms, and the enhancement and alteration of paths, greens, and fairways.


Officers introduced the report and outlined details of the report.


The Chairman commented that an additional condition should be added on the total amount of imported material to the site.


Officers advised that it would be in order for the Committee to put a cap on the total amount of material imported.


A Member stated that remoulding of the site was approved under a previous owner where works lasted far longer than the time approved. Given that the proposal was sited on green belt land, the Member expressed great concerns and questioned what the consequences would be in the event of more material being imported than that required, given the history of the site.


Further concerns were raised about the granting of imported soil, particularly where on a previous application, the soil that had been imported did not accord with the approved plans. In view of this therefore, grave concerns were raised that there would be no way of safeguarding against the situation being repeated with this proposal. In relation to these concerns, it was suggested that any condition imposed would need to also ensure safeguard against dumping.


Officers advised that given previous experience, Condition 6 (Levels) had been imposed to ensure that a scheme to monitor the process was put in place before the start of the development.


With regard to concerns raised about the use of soil that may contain bricks and rubbles, officers advised that no concerns had been expressed by the Landscape Officer about the quality of the soil and stressed that the applicant would be required to adhere to Condition 7 (Landscaping). It was note that this condition would not be discharged unless the landscaping officer was satisfied.


In response to a query as to how the Council would know that the land had reached the required 11,905m³ and that the land would not require soil in excess of this amount. Officers explained that so long as the levels accorded with the approved plans, this would match the level approved by the Committee.


The Committee indicated that the applicant should be asked to keep an accurate record of the amount of soil being imported. Officers advised that as a matter of fact, the applicant would be required to keep a record of lorry loads for the Environment Agency. It was explained however that, it would be in order for the Committee to require the applicant to report to the Council on a weekly basis but would require a monitoring officer to monitor the capping of the amount of soil, keep a record of the quality of soil, as well as record the lorry loads. 


A Member added that the Council should enter into an agreement to ensure that the cost of engaging a monitoring officer was met by the applicant.


The Legal Advisor advised that the requirement to pay a contribution (specifically for a monitoring officer) would have to be secured through a Section 106 (S106) Agreement with the applicant but cautioned that the monitoring officer would need to be assessed as a bespoke obligation in relation to enforcement of a condition, rather than the traditional S106 contribution. Members were further advised that a S106 landscaping remediation obligation could allow for another possible option for the site.


The Chairman questioned whether in conditioning this requirement, it could be reported back to Committee as a S106.


It was highlighted that as the Committee was seeking a financial contribution to pay for a monitoring officer, officers would need to go back to discuss this requirement with the applicant.


The Chairman commented that Members had raised concerns about this issue based on the problems that had been experienced in the past from similar applications. 


The recommendation for approval, additional condition restricting the volume on imported material and requirement for a S106 Agreement relating to monitoring/provision of monitoring officer was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed.


Resolved that:


A)   The application be approved subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the officer's report and to restricting the volume on imported material and requirement for a S106 Agreement relating to monitoring/provision of monitoring officer.


B)   The decision be Delegated to Head of Planning, Green Spaces and Culture to approve subject to S106 Agreement (Report back to Committee should the applicant not be inclined to enter into a S106 Agreement).


Councillor Janet Duncan asked for her dissent to against the decision to be recorded.



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