Agenda item

Consideration of topics for the first major review of the municipal year


The Committee discussed possible major reviews topics based on suggestions made by Members in the previous municipal year, the chairman and by Members during the meeting itself. A summary of the discussion is set out below.


Fly Tipping


Members noted that a major issue facing the Council was persistent fly tipping in areas of the Borough. Although a great deal of work was undertaken to respond to fly tips, it was suggested that not enough was done to identify and prosecute persistent offenders. Surveillance (specifically the use of CCTV cars) was suggested as an effective way to identify who was fly tipping as was focussing on the links between fly tips and Houses in Multiple Occupancy (HMO) in problem areas. Members suggested that this would be a valuable area to explore in a major review.


Officers stated that the Council did work both to clean up fly tips and to identify and fine perpetrators. Fixed Penalty Notices were provided but it was sometimes extremely difficult to trace back to an individual.


Although Members were concerned about this issue, it was agreed that it would not sustain a 5 month review. Instead, Members asked officers to provide a report addressing the concerns highlighted above including the use of CCTV as a method of surveillance. It was also requested that the report covered fly tipping on footpaths and bridal ways and more general information on how these areas were cleaned. Officers noted that such a report would be produced and added to the work programme for later in the year.


Sale of counterfeit products


Officers advised that there was a wide range of counterfeit products being sold within the Borough. However, this issue was being dealt with by a small Trading Standards Team and so the Council was only able to react to complaints rather than undertake investigative work to identify offenders. The Team had worked with neighbouring Boroughs in the past to respond to major offenders and there was a good track record of enforcement. Officers advised that a review could explore the extent of the problem and identify how the Council might better respond.


Members raised concerns that there was little the Council could do in this area as much of it fell within the remit of the Police. Officers noted that the Trading Standards Team did have authority to act in this area but that it was also with the purview of the Police.


The Committee agreed that this topic should not be pursued.


Road safety outside of schools


Members proposed a review into road safety outside of schools which continued to be a problem. It was noted that a review could explore how to address problems at drop-off and pick-up times and how to change parents' attitudes that were seen to contribute to some of the problems.


It was agreed that, in the first instance, the Committee should receive a report on the issue highlighting the major problems and what was currently being done to address them. Officers noted that this report would be added to the Committee's Work Programme for later in the year.


Street Champions and Neighbourhood Watch


Officers provided a brief presentation on a proposed review on the Street Champions Initiative and how this might be linked with the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. It was noted that the Street Champions Initiative had been in place since 2006 and had over 4,500 volunteers. A small proportion of volunteers were very active and reported up to 15 issues a month but the majority only reported 1 issue a month or less.


Officers advised that the ways in which Street Champions reported issues had changed since the initiative began with a move from paper reporting to reporting through the Contact Centre. It was suggested that a review might explore how reporting might be diversified further to increase accessibility and make it as easy as possible. In particular, the possibility of better using the Council's website, mobile phone apps and external websites could be a focus of the review.


Officers advised that the Cabinet Member for Community, Commerce & Regeneration had asked officers to explore creating better links between the Street Champions Initiative and Neighbourhood Watch Schemes in the Borough. As such, he had initiated a pilot scheme in certain areas of South Ruislip, Charville, West Drayton and Yiewsley to explore how these links might be developed. Should the Committee pursue this review topic, key information could be provided on the intelligence gathered during these pilots.


Officers emphasised that the intention of such a review would not be to increase the volume of issues being reported but to improve the accessibility of the Street Champions Initiative and to consider how better links could be adopted with Neighbourhood Watch Schemes.


Members discussed concerns about whether linking Street Champions and Neighbourhood Watch schemes would stretch police resources unnecessarily. It was noted that these were important issues that a review could profitably explore and identify where there were areas for improvement.


Members stated that the development of a mobile phone app would be positive and suggested that there could be a facility to submit photographs of affected areas to provide officers with a clear idea of the problem.


Members raised concerns that the role of the Street Champion was unclear and that those volunteering in that role were not accountable. Some examples of people using the position inappropriately were provided. A request was made for a Street Champions' "terms of reference" to be provided to the Committee to give a clearer idea of the extent of the role.


The Committee noted that an important part of making Street Champions accountable was ensuring that Ward Councillors received information on what issues were being raised and what work was being undertaken to resolve them.



1.    Officer provide reports on the following areas:

a.    Fly tipping in the Borough and the use of CCTV as a method of surveillance;

b.    Cleaning of footpaths and bridal ways including the issues of a cleaning schedule and fly tipping;

c.    Road safety around school and what was being done to address these problems; and

2.    The review into the Street Champions Initiative be agreed as the first major review of the municipal year and officers be asked to provide a full scoping report on the topic for the next meeting.

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