Agenda item

Update: Allocation of S106 Health Facilities Contributions


It was noted that the Yiewsley Health Centre development was progressing and it was anticipated that building would start in the near future.  The St Andrew's Park development had faltered and the developer would now be paying a healthcare contribution rather than being required to provide an onsite healthcare facility.  Although there was no obligation on the developer to do so, the Council would try to continue discussions to see if it was possible to identify a larger piece of land on the St Andrew's Park site. 


Concern was expressed regarding arrangements that were put in place to meet the ongoing revenue costs of new healthcare facilities.  It was noted that negotiations with NHS England (NHSE) and NHS Property Services could sometimes be difficult and that the regularising of relationships was a common issue that held up developments (as was currently happening with regard to the Out of Hospital Strategy).


Clarity was sought with regard to the closure of the walk-in service at the Hesa Centre in Hayes.  It was noted that the Hesa Centre would become the hub for the south of the Borough and it was anticipated that the services provided from the Centre would form part of the Out of Hospital Strategy.  The CCG advised that, although it had developed a comprehensive communications plan and had liaised with the local MP and the Council, no contact had yet been made with the Ward Councillors.  It was suggested that it would be beneficial for these Councillors to be involved in any communication, given that they had very close contact with residents and could help to avoid any misinterpretation of the proposals. 


The contract for the walk-in facility at the Hesa Centre was due to end on 30 September 2014 and, following consultation and usage data analysis, the CCG proposed to withdraw this service once the contract had expired.  The Urgent Care Centre (UCC) at Hillingdon Hospital was open 24/7/365 and would be expected to pick up any urgent care needs that were not emergencies.  It was anticipated that this would equate to approximately 5 additional patients being seen by the UCC each day (that would previously have been seen at the walk-in centre). 


A decision would be made on the future of the walk-in service at the CCG Governing Body meeting on Friday 25 July 2014.  In the meantime, NHSE was in the process of negotiating the GP contract at the Hesa Centre and was looking to extend the practice opening hours to cover 7 days. 


In terms of demography, the CCG advised that health inequalities were changing so quickly in the Borough that it was difficult to reflect this information accurately in its five year plan.  However, the CCG would continue to work with the Council to develop the plan and to review the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment. 


It was suggested that a health page be included in the Council's Hillingdon People publication as a regular feature and on the Council website.  This could then be used to ensure that residents were aware of any upcoming or current consultations.  Furthermore, it was suggested that consideration be given in the future to using any unspent s106 monies to support the provision of pharmacy services. 


RESOLVED:  That the Health and Wellbeing Board notes the progress being made towards the allocation and spend of s106 healthcare facilities contributions within the Borough.

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