Agenda item

Land to the West of Laurel Lane, West Drayton - 70019/APP/2014/1807

New 2 storey Junior School (5 forms of entry) including new vehicular and pedestrian accesses, alterations to an existing footpath, creation of pick-up/drop-off area, associated car parking, landscaping, playground, provision of a Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) and ancillary development.


Recommendation : Approval subject to a S106 Agreement


New 2 storey Junior School (5 forms of entry) including new vehicular and pedestrian accesses, alterations to an existing footpath, creation of pick-up/drop-off area, associated car parking, landscaping, playground, provision of a Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) and ancillary development.


Officers introduced the report, highlighting the changes set out in the addendum.


The Committee were informed that planning permission was being sought for the erection of a new school and that in summary, the benefits of providing the school in the proposed location outweighed the harm which would arise from the development.


In accordance with the Council's constitution, the representative of the petition in objection to the application was invited to address the meeting.


The petitioner made the following points:

  • The proposal involved the loss of green space and trees.
  • The existing and committed schools expansions were sufficient to meet the needs.
  • Existing schools elsewhere could be extended to meet the educational needs.
  • The proposal would have a detrimental effect on the character of the surrounding area.
  • The construction works would cause noise and pollution.
  • The proposal would significantly affect traffic and vehicular movements.
  • The proposal did not incorporate adequate parking provision.
  • The redesign of access and egress points would pose a danger to highway, pedestrian and cyclists safety.
  • The proposal would have a significant impact on local residents.
  • Setting the school back into the existing site would be the best solution.
  •  The proposed site, was the wrong location for the school.


The applicant did not attend the meeting.


Ward Councillors addressed the meeting and the following points were raised:

·         The proposed location was wrong and the school should be built at the Laurel Lane School site.

·         The proposal would create a massive amount of congestion on local roads.

·         The proposal would create parking problems.

·         Traffic alleviation measures would not be available at the proposed site.

·         School Governors were wrongly advised that the school was on Green Belt land.

·         If the proposal was started, there would be no way of stopping it.

·         There would be a massive impact to local residents and on neighbouring properties.

·         The decision should be deferred for a site visit.

·         Councillors remained to be convinced that the proposal could not be relocated to the Laurel Lane School playing fields.


In the course of discussions, the Committee asked about the arrangements in place for the footpath and the changes to the right of way mentioned in the report. In response, Officers explained that the legal procedure to divert a footpath was a lengthy one and officers had already begun this process.


In relation to the location the Multi Use Games Area (MUGA), the Committee expressed concern about its hours of use to ensure that it did not have detrimental impact on local residents. In response, Officers explained that a standard condition could be used which had been applied to other MUGA sites in the Borough.


With regards to highways issues, the Committee expressed concern about traffic congestion and what remedial action might be taken. Officers explained that to mitigate this, they had negotiated a large pick up and drop off point with school marshalling in place. Officers had also examined the traffic impacts arising from 6 other schools in the Borough and had conducted extensive modelling, including base, future, connected and predicted scenarios. Officers explained that when modelling, they had deliberately used conservative estimates only to act as a safeguard to their predictions. The Committee also expressed concern about the arrangements for staff car parking. Officers confirmed that 10 cars would need to be parked on local roads.


Having considered the presentation and the points raised by the speakers, it was moved, seconded and agreed that the application be approved with  5 votes in favour, with 2 abstentions subject to the officer report, addendum and changes listed below:


Amend condition 6 - 2.6 to replace '55 vehicles' with '55 cars and 2 motorcycles'


Add following condition re hours of use of MUGA:


'The MUGA hereby approved shall not be used between the hours of 21:00 and 08:00 Monday to Friday, before 10.00 or after 19:00 on Saturdays, before 10.00 or after 18:00 on Sundays, Bank Holidays and other Public Holidays.



In the interests of residential amenity in accordance with polices BE19, OE1 and OE3 of the Hillingdon Local Plan: Part Two Saved UDP Policies (November 2012).'


Resolved -


That the application be Approved, subject to the Officer report, addendum and changes set out above.          


Supporting documents: