Agenda item

Enterprise House, 133 Blyth Road, Hayes - 11623/APP/2013/3606

Erection of extensions at roof level, erection of external bridge links on the rear elevation and internal works associated with the change of use of part of enterprise house to create 96 residential units (class C3) and associated car parking, retention of approximately 4,500 sqm (GIA) of employment use (Use classes B1 (a-c) and B2 with ancillary cafe) at ground and first floor levels and cafe.


Recommendation : Approval subject to a S106 Agreement


Erection of extensions at roof level, erection of external bridge links on the rear elevation and internal works associated with the change of use of part of enterprise house to create 96 residential units (class C3) and associated car parking, retention of approximately 4,500 sqm (GIA) of employment use (Use classes B1 (a-c) and B2 with ancillary cafe) at ground and first floor levels and cafe.


Officers introduced the report and highlighted the changes set out in the addendum.


Officers explained that the application site was a distinctive six storey, Grade II listed industrial building within the Thorn EMI conservation area. It was noted that the building was in a poor state of repair and as a result had been included on English Heritage's, Heritage at risk register. The Committee noted that the site was located opposite the Vinyl Factory site which was deemed to be the flagship regeneration scheme in Hayes.


Officers explained that the proposal was for the restoration, refurbishment, conversion and extension of Enterprise House to provide a mixed use scheme, and although the residential scheme was not ideal in terms of offering an open character, the commercial uses of the building on the ground and first floors would be more open.


Officers explained that key issues for consideration included the principle of the development (including the benefits of bringing the heritage asset back into use) and the living conditions for future occupiers.


Although no petition had been received, the concerns of a Ward Councillor who could not attend were summarised at the meeting and the following points were raised:

·         As the proposal did not incorporate sufficient amenity space or open space close to the site the application should be refused.


The Committee raised concerns about air quality, noise insulation and the health impact these factors would have on future occupiers. In response, Officers explained that the Environmental Protection Unit had looked at various detailed reports and subject to these conditions were satisfied that these grounds for objection could be overcome.


In relation to amenity space, Officers confirmed that the provision of an internal childrens play area within the cafe area had been secured by condition and the development was immediately opposite a number of publicly accessible childrens play areas which would provided within The Old Vinyl Factory redevelopment opposite. As such, it was the Officer view that the development would provide adequate provision of on site play space for young children.


With regards to highways matters, Officers explained that the Council’s Highways Engineer had not raised any objections to the proposals and they complied with relevant planning policy.


Discussing the application, the Committee appreciated that its decision was a delicate balancing act between conservation, redevelopment and the need to provide new housing. On balance, the Committee agreed that bringing a building of architectural merit back into use, along with the provision of additional housing and business space would benefit local residents.


It was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote agreed by 6 votes in favour, 1 refusal and 1 member did not vote as they missed the discussion on the item, that the application be approved.


Resolved -


That the application be approved as per the officer report, addendum and amendment to condition 10 as set out below:


 Amend condition 10 to add 'designation,' between 'parking' and 'allocation'











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