Agenda item

Little Road, Hayes - Petition Requesting a Resident Parking Scheme


Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting include the following:

·               Little Road was very close to Hayes Town Centre and therefore, parking was a nightmare

·               Frequent arguments over parking with residents living in Austin Road

·               Suggested scheme should be implemented solely in Little Road

·               Give free parking permit to each household without car registration to allow for visitors


Councillors Lynne Allen and Tony Eginton attended the meeting and spoke as Ward Councillors. They raised the following Issues raised:


·              To consider one road in isolation would not solve the problem, as problem would be shifted to other roads

·               That Chalfont Road, Silverdale Road and Austin Road, should be consulted as parking problem was an issue affecting the whole area (all roads in the area should be consulted)

·               That Ward Councillors had already been consulted about  further roads in this area of Hayes being included in the consultation and that the response had been affirmative

·               The public car park by Austin Road was underused due to public fear of crime and disorder and pricing (Pressure was needed to be borne on Hillingdon Homes to utilise the car park)

·               Suggest car park by Austin Road be brought into use

·               Permits needed to include vehicle registrations, as any permits not assigned to a vehicle registration may be open to misuse 


The Cabinet Member listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points raised. 


·               The Council’s requirement for the issue of resident permits was that car registration numbers and proof of registered address must be provided

·               One car registration per permit would be issued and that a roaming permit would not work, as it would be open to abuse

·               The first permit would be issued free of charge and any additional permits would need to be purchased

·               Asked officers to look at reducing the Yellow lines at the top of Pump Lane, which had originally been introduced to assist with sight lines

·               Had asked for the timing at the traffic lights at Wilkinson’s in Pump Lane to be reduced and this was now being reviewed


Resolved  -


That the Cabinet Member:


1.      Noted the petitioner’s request and gave approval for it to be added to the Council’s programme of on-street parking schemes for subsequent consultation. 


1.      Asked officers to consult Ward Councillors to determine if further roads in this area of Hayes should be included in the consultation.


2.      That officers review current yellow lines at the top of Pump Lane and report back to the Cabinet Member (Ward Councillors to also be informed of outcome).


3.      That officers investigate the car park by Austin Road.


Reasons for Recommendation


It is clear there is significant support for the introduction of a Resident Permit Parking Scheme in Little Road but the conditions attached by the residents vary significantly from the Council’s usual schemes.  As residents’ schemes are more viable over a wider area, it is considered appropriate to ask Ward Councillors if other roads should be consulted.


Alternative Options Considered


Alternative options to address residential parking will be part of the consultation with residents if the Cabinet Member gives approval for a scheme to be added to the programme.


Relevant Ward:




Supporting documents: