Agenda item

Briarwood Drive, Northwood Hills - Petition requesting measures to restrict non-resident parking


Concerns, comments and suggestions raised by the petition organiser at the meeting included the following:


·         The strength of feeling from residents about people parking all day in Briarwood Drive, primarily on Monday to Friday from 7am to 7pm was of great concern

·         The road was essentially used for parking by commuters to Central London and on occasions by holiday makers who would park their cars for periods of  two weeks at a time

·         Such parking resulted in having a negative impact mainly on residents but also on their visitors, as well as local shop keepers

·         Inconsiderate parking often resulted in blocking driveways and creating difficulties for people wanting to quickly use the local shops and even more of a problem for residents' visitors wanting to park

·         Expressed further concerns about the possible future problems that would be created by students attending the new Heathrow Aviation Engineering University Technical College (UTC) in Potter Street, Northwood

·         Suggested that with Northwood Hills having no Parking Management scheme, other local roads such as Oakdale Avenue, Tolcarne Drive and Highfield Road would experience the same problem with parking and therefore, requested that a major consultation be undertaken to include these roads

·         Advised that the strength of feeling at a local meeting was that, unless something was done, the problem with the issue of parking in the area would be exacerbated.


Councillor (Cllr) Jonathan Bianco attended as a Ward Councillor in support of the petitioners. The following concerns and suggestions were raised:


·         Had been involved as Ward Councillor in relation to a petition regarding Oakdale Avenue, which had similar issues that were currently being raised

·         Advised that parking had become even more strained in the area with flats above shops in Joel Street and cars coming through from a nearby garage

·         Also of note was the Kingdom Hall, which only had a small number of parking spaces for those attending with potential for them to spill over to nearby streets

·         Pointed out that such demand for parking often left people living in the area having to park in Briarwood Drive

·         Stressed that the issue of parking was not a new problem to Northwood Hills and highlighted that residents parking had been a real issue for both residents who had been in support of, and against the introduction of a Parking Management scheme (PMS)

·         Suggested therefore, that the main issue would be the fact that it would not be feasible to install a parking scheme in respect of just one street, as the problem would only be shifted to other nearby streets

·         Advised that accordingly, a cautious approach would need to be taken; a view which had been shared by the Residents' Association

·         Advised that parking had been made worst in recent months by works being done in Joel Street

·         With regard to the UTC, advised that the issue of parking had been raised at a Planning Committee meeting where it had been noted that students would be asked to sign a contract undertaking that they would not travel by car to college

·         Warned that residents living in streets currently unaffected may not be prepared to agree to a PMS and it would be difficult for them to realise the effect it would have on their streets once PMS had been installed in a neighbouring street

·         Urged that the resurfacing of Briarwood Drive be placed near the top of the list under the Council's Road Management Scheme

·         Requested that any proposed PMS should be taken as part of a bigger piece of work at a later time after observing how successful the student undertaking not to travel by car to UTC had been

·         Acknowledged that there had been an increase in parking at this end of Joel Street but added that works that had been taking place in this area would settle down and would therefore help to give some relief in parking problems.


The Cabinet Member, Cllr Keith Burrows listened to the concerns and responded to the points raised.


Cllr Burrows explained that with regard to the contract signed by students at UTC, it would be wise to wait and see what the full effect of this would be on parking. He advised that residents should also be aware that this agreement may not be effective, as he was quite familiar with the parking problems that had been experienced by residents in his ward from students who attended a local university.


Given the close proximity of UTC, the Cabinet Member attached an additional recommendation for officers to carry out an initial stress survey, followed by a further survey after the opening of UTC. Cllr Burrows advised that this would enable officers to gain a better picture and ascertain the level of impact that parking from students attending UTC may be having in the area. Petitioners were also informed that officers would carry out the stress survey at various times in the day and the results would be reported back to the Cabinet Member and Ward Councillors.  Cllr Burrows added that in addition to conducting an initial stress survey, officers would carry out a further survey after the opening of UTC.


Resolved - That the Cabinet Member:


1.      Met and discussed with petitioners, their concern with parking in          Briarwood Drive, Northwood Hills.


2.      Instructed officers to carry out an initial stress survey followed by a further survey after the opening of Heathrow Aviation Engineering University Technical College (UTC). Results to be reported back to the Cabinet Member and Ward Councillors.


3.      Subject to the outcome of the above, asked officers to add the request to the Council's extensive parking programme for further investigation in an area agreed with local Ward Councillors.


Reasons for recommendation


The petition hearing will provide a valuable opportunity to hear directly from the petitioners of their concerns and suggestions. 


Alternative options considered/risk management


None at this stage.


Supporting documents: