Agenda item

Objection to planned implementation of modifications to a parking permit scheme in Princes Way, South Ruislip


Concerns and suggestions from petitioners included the following:


·         If implemented the scheme would provide dedicated parking to residents in Princes Way.

·         Residents on Victoria were unable to park on Victoria Road nor allowed a dropped kerb to provide off street parking.

·         The slip road to the garages was on many occasions flooded but even with access there would still be an issue as the slip road was for access and not for general parking.

·         Residents of Victoria Road had been notified of the original plan but had not been consulted on the amended scheme to be implemented.

·         The petition objecting to the scheme to be implemented had been signed by residents in other adjoining roads as well as Victoria Road, as the proposal would lead to increased parking in these roads.

·         The proposed scheme would provide 29 spaces for 12 properties, most of which had off street parking and garages.

·         Concern that residents of Victoria Road would have nowhere to park if the scheme was implemented.

·         Residents of Victoria Road would be competing for 8 parking spaces.

·         There would be a number of spaces in Princes Way not being used between 9 am and 5 pm if the scheme went ahead in its current form.


No Ward Councillors attended the meeting.


The Cabinet Member, Cllr Keith Burrows, listened to the concerns and responded to the points raised.


Councillor Burrows explained that the Princes Way Parking Management Scheme was ready to go live, but the Council had a legal duty to hear petitions. 


Councillor Burrows advised that he would be amending recommendation 3 to add 'in consultation with Ward Councillors and officers and following this if it was decided to continue with the current scheme that a review would be undertaken within 3 months of its implementation.'  The petitioners were informed that this would enable the original request and the current petition objecting to be looked at along with all the evidence provided so far.


In answer to a question from a petitioner Councillor Burrows explained that a decision to implement the scheme in Princes Way was as the result of a petition.  The processes for the scheme's implementation had been followed and a decision made for the scheme to go ahead. 


Councillor Burrows re-iterated that the amended recommendation would require that if the scheme was implemented a review would be undertaken after 3 months. Temporary parking permits would not be issued to residents in Victoria Road during this period but following the review a report would be made to the Ward Councillors and myself with a final decision being made at this point.    

Officers were asked to provide a response to the lead petitioner on the question raised as to why residents in Victoria Road had been excluded from the consultation on the amended scheme.


That the Cabinet Member:


1.            Discussed with petitioners their objections to the implementation of a residents' permit parking scheme in Princes Way, South Ruislip.


2.            Noted the decision made on the representations from the previous formal consultation undertaken as a direct result of a petition and requests from residents. 


3.            Subject to the outcome of the above decides if any further action should be considered in respect of the introduction of a Parking Management Scheme in Princes Way in consultation with Ward Councillors and officer, if the scheme proceeds in its current form that a review be undertaken 3 months after implementation.


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