Agenda item

61 Wentworth Drive, Eastcote - 70234/APP/2014/2907

4 x two storey 1-bed back to back dwellings with habitable roofspace, associated parking, amenity space, installation of additional vehicular crossover to front involving demolition of existing detached dwelling house


Recommendation: Approval


4 x two storey 1-bed back to back dwellings with habitable roof space, associated parking, amenity space, installation of additional vehicular crossover to front involving demolition of existing detached dwelling house.


Officers introduced the report and referred members to the addendum sheet that had been circulated.


The application proposed to demolish the existing bungalow and to erect four, two-storey houses with habitable accommodation in the roof space, one bedroom, together with parking spaces as well as installation of a new vehicular crossover. Each house would have its own private amenity space.


Officers considered that the design of the proposal would be in keeping with the character and appearance of the surrounding area and that it would not be harmful to the amenity of nearby residents or future occupiers. The proposal would be of low density and the internal floor space would provide an adequate level of amenity for future occupants. If approved, the new dwellings would be of similar size or smaller when compared to other existing premises in Wentworth Drive.


It was noted that similar developments at other sites had been initially rejected by Council Committee's and subsequently overturned upon appeal. Officers considered that the same outcome would be likely in the event that this application was rejected by the Committee.


Officers informed the Committee that the roof size of the new dwellings had been reduced compared to the originally submitted plans. Rooms within the roof were too small be classified as bedrooms and had therefore been classified as study space. It was confirmed that a minimum of 25% of the frontage of the development would be soft landscaping in accordance with Council planning policy.


A Ward Member for the Eastcote and East Ruislip Ward, in which the proposed development was located, had made a written submission to the Committee. At their request, this was read to the Committee by the Chairman. The Ward Member felt that the development was overly ambitious and that there was insufficient space for four dwellings.


The Committee discussed the plans, with concerns being expressed that the four new dwellings were close to a busy junction that provided access to two schools. It was suggested that the junction would not be able to cope with additional traffic caused by the development, although other Committee Members felt that the impact would not be significant. Issues regarding the level of the land and contaminated land were also raised.


Officers responded that the likely impact of the proposed new dwellings on local traffic levels was not considered to be significant. It was also confirmed that the issues in relation to the level of the land and contamination of land had been adequately addressed in the documentation supporting the application.


The proposal complied with planning guidelines and was considered to be acceptable. It was therefore recommended for approval, subject to conditions.


The Committee agreed that Condition 15 be amended to add the words 'Notwithstanding the plans hereby approved.'


The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed by six votes to one.


Resolved - That the application be approved, subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the officer's report and addendum sheet circulated at the meeting and amendments to Condition 15.

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