Agenda item

Petition requesting measures to address Parking, Road Safety and Highway issues in Blandford Waye, Hayes


Councillors Mohinder Birah and Jagjit Singh attended as a Ward Councillor in support of the petitioners.


Concerns and suggestions from petitioners included the following:


·         Residents of Blandford Waye were happy that the road had been resurfaced.

·         There were various issues that needed to be addressed.

·         A number of elderly residents lived in the area.

·         A one way system was needed.

·         Double yellow lines were needed on the blind corners.

·         The grassed verges were being ruined.

·         The area was often left in darkness, especially during the winter months, due to lighting columns not working.

·         Mud splattered onto the pavements making them slippery to walk on.

·         The pavement was uneven.


Councillor Birah and Singh spoke in support of the petitioners’ request and raised the following issues:


·         Supported local residents.

·         Had visited the site.

·         Agreed that the lighting was of poor quality.

·         There were 5 blind corners.

·         Had sent a request for 'at any time' waiting restrictions.

·         Vans and Lorries were often mounting the footway and damaging the grass verges.

·         Mud was often left on the road which made it a hazard.


The Cabinet Member, Cllr Keith Burrows, listened to the concerns and responded to the points raised.


Councillor Burrows noted that petitioners had raised a number of issues in their petition.  Councillor Burrows explained to petitioners that there was no mandate to proceed with 'at any time' parking restrictions unless there was support from the majority of those who would be affected by the proposals.  It was explained that any proposals would need to be legally advertised before being implemented, providing there were no objections of any relevant weight.


Additionally Councillor Burrows added a further recommendation to the officers' report and informed petitioners that Council officers would attend the area to inspect the grass verges and pavements.  Ward Councillors were also invited to attend this proposed site visit along with the lead petitioner.



Resolved - That the Cabinet Member:


1.    Discussed with petitioners and listened to their requests for highway improvements in Blandford Waye, Hayes.


2.    Asked officers to add the request for a one way working to the Council's extensive road safety programme and asked officers to informally consult roads in an area agreed with ward Councillors.


3.    Discussed with petitioners the areas of their roads which they believe would benefit from additional "at any time" waiting restrictions and asked officers to investigate these and report back to him.


4.    Noted the request for new street lighting in Blandford Waye and advises the petitioners that their request will be considered in future programmes to be agreed by Members.


5.    Noted residents' satisfaction following their road being resurfaced in December 2014.


6.    Instructed officers to inspect Council owned grass verges and pavements in this area and report back to the Cabinet Member regarding the condition and possible remedial action the Council can take.




To allow the Cabinet Member to discuss with petitioners their concerns and if appropriate add their request to the Council's road safety programme.




These were discussed with petitioners.

Supporting documents: